MB 331
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I 1966 og 1967 utviklet Daimler-Benz en sugemotor med 6 og 8 sylindre i V-form, for bruk i tog, industri, tunge kjøretøy og båter. Intern benevnelse for motorene var MB533 og MB537. Motoren ble med over i mtus produktprogram som mtu 6V 331 og 8V 331
Mercedes-Benz MB 331
Mercedes-Benz MB331
In 1966 and 1967, Daimler-Benz developed a series of naturally aspirated engines with six and eight-cylinder engines in a 90° V shape and 165 mm bore and 175 mm stroke for general applications - rail, ship and heavy vehicle. The in-house designation was MB 533 and MB 537.
The further development with 165 mm bore and 155 mm stroke, a speed range between 2000 and 2400 rpm, exhaust turbocharged - partly with internal charge air cooling - was added to the Daimler-Benz AG delivery program in 1968 with the designation MB6 V331 and MB8 V331. The power range for the six-cylinder engine went up to 500 hp and for the eight-cylinder engine up to 670 hp.
These engines formed the basis for the later successful MTU series 331 with 6, 8 and 12 cylinders and 396 with 6, 8, 12 and 16 cylinders.