MT 40 H 672
Jeg har lest om denne motoren for noe tid siden i en bok av Stefan Zima. Dessuten har jeg hørt om den under en hyggelig kveld i Hamburg. Der stoppet min kunnskap om denne.
Nå har jeg fått mer informasjon fra MTU.
Dette var en Prototype utviklet av mtu sammen med Amiot-S.A.M.T. Tidlig på 70-tallet bestemte den franske og tyske marinen seg for å forsøke å ta frem en ekstremt lett dieselmotor med høy ytelse.
Resultatet ble vist frem under en utstilling i Paris. De tok en mtu 20 V 672, og økte sylindervinkelen til 180 grader, og la to motoren oppå hverandre. mtu designet også en gearkasse for denne motoren som heter KSSU 8021
For å spare på drivstoff hadde motoren mulighet til å kutte ut drivstofftilførselen til halve motoren, og var nok en viktig innsats i sylinderekkeutkoblingen som mtu senere kom med på andre motorer.
Motoren er en bokserverjon av 2 stk 20 V 672. Motoren har 8 dieselpumper og 4 kamakslinger,
- Ytelse 7000 Hk
- Maks turtall 1700 rpm
- Borring 185 mm
- Slag 250 mm
- Slagvolum 268,8 liter
- Vekt 12200 Kg
Fra en brosjyre om motoren har vi sakset følgende:
Three decades ago, the development of a Mercedes-Benz 20-cylinder, 4-stroke diesel engine was pioneer work for the construction of versatile high-speed naval craft. The engine, with a mechanically driven blower and charge air cooling, rendered an output of 2500 hp (metric) at 1720 rpm. MTU Friedrichshafen is building this engine on the proved basis, however, with exhaust gas turbocharging (type designation MB 20 V 672). The power rating has been increased to 3500 hp (metric) at 1700 rpm, under lower thermal load than before. Its weight per horsepower amounts to only 1.54 kg/hp. Larger craft, with still higher power requirements and the desire to concentrate the power more than before into the smallest space possible, were the motives to develop a 40-cylinder diesel engine with a rating of 7000 hp (metric) at 1700 rpm; an engine, the concentrated power of which in the smallest space is just as impressive as its technical conception. It raises no complexes about the great number of cylinders as do the designs of other high-performance and lightweight diesel engines. The cylinders, fitted parts and accessories are so easily accessible that the conditions for maintenance and overhaul on board can be considered as ideal. The diesel engine MT 40 H 672 is a joint development for special naval application by AMIOT-S.A.M.T. Cherbourg, and MTU Friedrichshafen.
The engine consists of two independent 20-cylinder units (each rated at 3500 hp, metric) under extensive utilization of structural components of the well-known MB 20 V 672 (MB 518) s engine. Instead of the cylinder arrangement of the latter in a 40° V, with this new engine the cylinders are arranged at 180° towards each other. The flat housings of the also independently working engine "halves" are bolted together (four banks of cylinders forming an "H", very flat design). Both crankshafts are connected with a joint gearbox (i = 2.1) through dual tooth couplings. Engine and gearbox are resilient mounted in the vessel on a common frame. Pressure oil pumps, fresh and sea water pumps, fuel delivery pumps, filters, heat exchangers and oil containers of the engine "halves" are combined in an accessories section accommodated separately in the vessel for easy maintenance. The pumps are driven hydrostatically from the primary shaft of the gearbox.
AMIOT Société d'armement maritime et de transport de Cherbourg
Fra Marine : organe de liaison de l'Association centrale des officiers de réserve de l'Armée de mer / dir. publ. G. Debeury Januar 1973
The Amiot/S.A.M.T./M.T.U. flat-twin engine of 4000 hp (5000 in 1975), presented by Constructions Mécaniques de Normandie. This engine was specially designed to equip Le Combattante III, at the rate of one engine per shaft line (case of four shaft lines) or two superimposed engines per shaft line (case of two shaft lines).