- 1909: Foundation of Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau GmbH in Bissingen an der Enz as part of the Zeppelin corporation. The company manufactures engines for airships.
- 1909 “Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau GmbH“ is founded in Bissingen on the Enz River as the oldest predecessor company of MTU Friedrichshafen
- 1911/12 relocation to Friedrichshafen; the name is changed to Motorenbau GmbH.
- 1918: Motorenbau GmbH is renamed Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH. After the end of the first world war the company began to manufacture car engines.
- 1919 Begins manufacturing high-speed diesel engines*
- 1921 Begins manufacturing automobiles. Produced around 1,800 luxury vehicles by 1941
- 1936 Growing conversion to war production; by the end of World War II had manufactured around 140,000 engines for caterpillar vehicles
- 1944/45 Maybach Motorenbau and the city of Friedrichshafen are destroyed by bomb attacks
- 1948 Production resumes
- 1961 Begins manufacturing Mercedes-Benz diesel engines at Maybach-Motorenbau
- 1963 “Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH“ is founded in Friedrichshafen-Manzell
- 1966: Merger of the two companies Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau Friedrichshafen GmbH and Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH to form Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH.
- 1969: Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH is renamed Motoren und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH. The company is a subsidiary of MTU München GmbH which is owned at equal shares by Daimler-Benz AG and MAN AG until 1985. Agreement between Daimler-Benz AG and MAN AG to integrate the interests of both companies in the fields of high-speed diesel engines and jet propulsion. MAN Turbo GmbH is renamed to “Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH“
- 1978 Companies are renamed ”MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH“ and “MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH“
- 1989: Incorporation of MTU Friedrichshafen in Deutsche Aero-space AG (DASA), a company of the Daimler-Benz Group.
- 1994: Cooperation of MTU Friedrichshafen with Detroit Diesel Corporation
- 1995: MTU Friedrichshafen and MTU München go their separate ways; MTU Friedrichshafen becomes a direct subsidiary of Daimler-Benz AG.
- 2001: MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH is renamed MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH. DaimlerChrysler AG acquires Detroit Diesel Corporation
- 2002 All off-highway activities of the DaimlerChrysler group are integrated to form the company division DaimlerChrysler Off-Highway under corporate management of MTU Friedrichshafen. Workforce: 7000 employees, Revenues: 1.7 billion Euro (2003)
- 2005: In late 2005, the DaimlerChrysler Off-Highway business unit, including MTU Friedrichshafen and the Off-Highway division of Detroit Diesel Corporation, is sold to the Swedish financial investor EQT Partners.
- 2006: The business is transferred into the new holding company Tognum, with MTU Friedrichshafen as its core company.
- 2009: MTU Friedrichshafen celebrates its centenary. In the same year introduction of the new Series 1600, rounding off the performance range at the lower end of the product portfolio.
I pressemeldingen i 1969 sto det; (oversatt fra tysk)
Daimler-Benz og MAN intensiverer delvis samarbeid MAN Turbo og Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau er gruppert sammen for å danne en felles enhet.
Daimler-Benz AG og Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nürnberg AG, som har jobbet sammen om utviklingen av flygassturbiner i utviklingsselskapet for turbomotorer siden høsten 1968, vil fortsette å utvide samarbeidet. For dette formål har Daimler-Benz og MAN blitt enige om å slå sammen MAN Turbo GmbH i München og Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH i Friedrichshafen til én selskapsenhet.
En kontrakt ble signert 11. juli 1969 i München, for Daimler-Benz av talsmannen for styret, Dr.Jur. Joachim Zahn, og styremedlemmet Dr.jur. Hanns Martin Schleyer, for MAN av administrerende direktør, Dr.-Ing. Karl Schott og styremedlemmet Dr.jur. Gerd Wollburg.
I fremtiden vil samarbeidet utvides utover den tidligere felles utviklingen til å omfatte produksjon av flygassturbiner og andre spesielle bruksområder for gassturbiner. I tillegg er feltet høyhastighets dieselmotorer i et spesifikt effektområde for bruk i jernbanekjøretøyer, skip og stasjonære systemer samt mekanisk-hydrauliske kraftoverføringer også inkludert i samarbeidet. I samsvar med den tidligere strukturen til de fusjonerte selskapene, utvikling og produksjon av gassturbiner i München-Allach-anlegget til MAN-Turbo GmbH og av langvarige høyytelsesdieselmotorer i de to i Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH fabrikker lokalisert i Friedrichshafen.