- 1909: Foundation of Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau GmbH in Bissingen an der Enz as part of the Zeppelin corporation. The company manufactures engines for airships.
- 1909 “Luftfahrzeug-Motorenbau GmbH“ is founded in Bissingen on the Enz River as the oldest predecessor company of MTU Friedrichshafen
- 1911/12 relocation to Friedrichshafen; the name is changed to Motorenbau GmbH.
- 1918: Motorenbau GmbH is renamed Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH. After the end of the first world war the company began to manufacture car engines.
- 1919 Begins manufacturing high-speed diesel engines*
- 1921 Begins manufacturing automobiles. Produced around 1,800 luxury vehicles by 1941
- 1936 Growing conversion to war production; by the end of World War II had manufactured around 140,000 engines for caterpillar vehicles
- 1944/45 Maybach Motorenbau and the city of Friedrichshafen are destroyed by bomb attacks
- 1948 Production resumes
- 1961 Begins manufacturing Mercedes-Benz diesel engines at Maybach-Motorenbau
- 1963 “Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH“ is founded in Friedrichshafen-Manzell
- 1966: Merger of the two companies Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau Friedrichshafen GmbH and Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH to form Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH.
- 1969: Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH is renamed Motoren und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH. The company is a subsidiary of MTU München GmbH which is owned at equal shares by Daimler-Benz AG and MAN AG until 1985. Agreement between Daimler-Benz AG and MAN AG to integrate the interests of both companies in the fields of high-speed diesel engines and jet propulsion. MAN Turbo GmbH is renamed to “Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH“
- 1978 Companies are renamed ”MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH“ and “MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH“
- 1989: Incorporation of MTU Friedrichshafen in Deutsche Aero-space AG (DASA), a company of the Daimler-Benz Group.
- 1994: Cooperation of MTU Friedrichshafen with Detroit Diesel Corporation
- 1995: MTU Friedrichshafen and MTU München go their separate ways; MTU Friedrichshafen becomes a direct subsidiary of Daimler-Benz AG.
- 2001: MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH is renamed MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH. DaimlerChrysler AG acquires Detroit Diesel Corporation
- 2002 All off-highway activities of the DaimlerChrysler group are integrated to form the company division DaimlerChrysler Off-Highway under corporate management of MTU Friedrichshafen. Workforce: 7000 employees, Revenues: 1.7 billion Euro (2003)
- 2005: In late 2005, the DaimlerChrysler Off-Highway business unit, including MTU Friedrichshafen and the Off-Highway division of Detroit Diesel Corporation, is sold to the Swedish financial investor EQT Partners.
- 2006: The business is transferred into the new holding company Tognum, with MTU Friedrichshafen as its core company.
- 2009: MTU Friedrichshafen celebrates its centenary. In the same year introduction of the new Series 1600, rounding off the performance range at the lower end of the product portfolio.
I pressemeldingen i 1969 sto det; (oversatt fra tysk)
Daimler-Benz og MAN intensiverer delvis samarbeid MAN Turbo og Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau er gruppert sammen for å danne en felles enhet.
Daimler-Benz AG og Maschinenfabrik Augsburg Nürnberg AG, som har jobbet sammen om utviklingen av flygassturbiner i utviklingsselskapet for turbomotorer siden høsten 1968, vil fortsette å utvide samarbeidet. For dette formål har Daimler-Benz og MAN blitt enige om å slå sammen MAN Turbo GmbH i München og Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH i Friedrichshafen til én selskapsenhet.
En kontrakt ble signert 11. juli 1969 i München, for Daimler-Benz av talsmannen for styret, Dr.Jur. Joachim Zahn, og styremedlemmet Dr.jur. Hanns Martin Schleyer, for MAN av administrerende direktør, Dr.-Ing. Karl Schott og styremedlemmet Dr.jur. Gerd Wollburg.
I fremtiden vil samarbeidet utvides utover den tidligere felles utviklingen til å omfatte produksjon av flygassturbiner og andre spesielle bruksområder for gassturbiner. I tillegg er feltet høyhastighets dieselmotorer i et spesifikt effektområde for bruk i jernbanekjøretøyer, skip og stasjonære systemer samt mekanisk-hydrauliske kraftoverføringer også inkludert i samarbeidet. I samsvar med den tidligere strukturen til de fusjonerte selskapene, utvikling og produksjon av gassturbiner i München-Allach-anlegget til MAN-Turbo GmbH og av langvarige høyytelsesdieselmotorer i de to i Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH fabrikker lokalisert i Friedrichshafen.
Samarbeid mellom Maybach og Daimler-Benz.
Som et resultat har Maybach-motorprogrammet endret seg betraktelig. Design og produkter fra tidligere konkurrerende selskaper er lagt til.
Fusjoner har funnet sted og motorprogrammer har uunngåelig blitt slått sammen. Produksjonen har blitt tilpasset disse nye omstendighetene, nye produkter er utviklet og nye markeder har blitt åpnet.
Tre store begivenheter markerer motorkonstruksjonens videre vei i Friedrichshafen: i 1960 starten på samarbeidet mellom Daimler-Benz og Maybach-Motorenbau, i 1966 grunnleggelsen av "Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH" og i 1969 fusjonen for å danne Motoren- und Turbinen-Union.
Det første trinnet ble annonsert 10. august 1960:
Maybach/Daimler-Benz collaboration
Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH and Daimler-Benz AG announce that the two companies will be working closely together economically and technically in the field of high-speed large engines in the future. To implement this, Daimler-Benz AG has founded Industriemotoren GmbH, based in Stuttgart and with an initial capital of DM 100,000.
The primary aim of the planned collaboration is to create a broad basis for the development work that both companies have been doing for decades and thus to jointly expand and consolidate the traditional position that both companies have in this field for the future.
As both companies require additional production capacity, which cannot be provided due to the known overcrowding of the Daimler-Benz plants, a focus for large engine production is to be created by expanding Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH in Friedrichshafen. The existing engine production will continue in both Friedrichshafen and Untertürkheim.
The joint work of Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, the pioneers of the high-speed combustion engine, finds a meaningful continuation through this collaboration.
Following this agreement and approximately one year of preparation, Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH began producing the Mercedes-Benz engines MB 820/836, MB 835/839, MB 518 and MB 846 alongside the existing Maybach range under the product name "Maybach Mercedes-Benz diesel engines - Mercedes Benz type".