Tidslinje Daimler Benz Maybach

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15. august: De første støpte delene til Gottlieb Daimlers føste horisontalmotor kommer fra Kurtz Klokkestøperi i Stuttgart. Hans første høyhastighetsmotor bygges deretter sammen og testes.

1. oktober: Sammen med forretningsmannen Max Kaspar Rose og Friedrich Wilhelm Eßlinger, starter Karl Benz "Benz & Co. Rheinische Gasmotorenfabrik, Mannheim".

16. og 23. desember: Gottlieb Daimler takes out patents to protect first the "gas engine with hot tube ignition" and, a week later, the "regulation of engine speed by controlling the exhaust valve". The two patents, No. DRP 28022 and No. DRP 28243, provide the basis for the world's first high-speed combustion engine.


3. april: Gottlieb Daimler registers an engine with vertical cylinder as a patent. Daimler has developed the unit jointly with Maybach on the basis of his 1883 horizontal test engine. The engine, registered as Patent No. DRP 34926, represents a new type of design, as the crankshaft and flywheel are enclosed in an oil and dust-proof crankcase.

29. august: Gottlieb Daimler is granted a patent for the "riding car" with a "gas or petroleum engine" (No. DRP 36423). The test vehicle, producing 0.5 hp, becomes the world's first motorcycle. I November Adolf Daimler, one of Gottlieb Daimler's sons, completes the first journey from Cannstatt to Untertürkheim, reaching speeds of up to 12 km/h.

Oktober: Karl Benz prøvekjører den første modellen av hans trehjulte bil i Mannheim.


29. januar: Karl Benz registers his three-wheeler "vehicle with gas engine" as a patent. Patent No. DRP 37435 effectively becomes the "birth certificate" of the automobile.

8. mars: Gottlieb Daimler orders a carriage from "Wilhelm Wimpff & Sohn" in Stuttgart. Later that year his high-speed engine is fitted into the carriage at Maschinenfabrik Esslingen - thus creating the first Daimler four-wheeled motor vehicle.

25. mars: Gottlieb Daimler tildeles patent nr DRP 36811 for hans overflateforgasser.

3. juli: The "Neue Badische Landeszeitung" regional newspaper reports on the first public demonstration of the three-wheeler developed by Karl Benz, which takes place on the Mannheim ring road.

3. juli: Die "Neue Badische Landeszeitung" berichtet über die am Morgen erfolgte öffentliche Ausfahrt des von Karl Benz entwickelten Dreirad-Fahrzeugs auf der Ringstraße in Mannheim.

24. juli: Das von der Firma Benz & Co. mit Wirkung vom 25. Februar erworbene Areal in der Mannheimer Waldhofstraße wird um 588 m² auf insgesamt 3986 m² vergrößert. Das neue Betriebsgelände ist dringend erforderlich, um die begrenzten Fertigungskapazitäten der Fabrik in der Innenstadt erweitern zu können. Der Bau der Werkstätten und eines Wohnhauses für die Familie Benz wird unverzüglich begonnen.

August: Gottlieb Daimler unternimmt auf dem Neckar bei Cannstatt die ersten Probefahrten mit einem Motorboot, das von seinem schnellaufenden Einzylindermotor angetrieben wird.

5. september: The local Mannheim newspaper ("Generalanzeiger der Stadt Mannheim") carries a lengthy report about the motor car developed by Karl Benz and announces that "Herr Benz now intends to commence building such vehicles."

Oktober / November: The marine engine registered by Daimler under Patent No. DRP 39367 allows the first public tests on the River Neckar and Waldsee Lake near Baden-Baden to go ahead. Benz purchases a 4,000 square meter site in Mannheim's Waldhofstraße for the purpose of setting up manufacturing operations.


Vår: Karl Benz selger en av de første trehjuls bilene sine til Emile Roger i Paris.

5. Juli: Gottlieb Daimler erwirbt eine 3 000 m2 große Fabrik mit Lagergebäude in der Ludwigstraße 67 auf dem Seelberg in Cannstatt. Damit enden die Versuchsarbeiten im Gartenhaus neben seiner Villa in der Taubenheimstraße, das heute die Daimler-Gedächtnisstätte beherbergt.

August: Der Mannheimer Kaufmann Jakob Pfahler rüstet erstmals ein Boot mit einem Benz-Motor aus. Kurze Zeit später erwirbt er eine Bootsbauerei in Berlin und beginnt dort mit der Konstruktion und Fertigung von Motorbooten.

27. september: Gottlieb Daimler presents a miniature tram at the Cannstatt People's Festival. The vehicle is powered by a 1-cylinder Daimler engine and plies between Wilhelmsplatz and the Kursaal.

Oktober: Gottlieb Daimler presents his motor draisienne to the public in Baden-Baden. Karl Benz completes construction of his first motor boat. At the same time Gottlieb Daimler tries out his motor boat on the River Neckar. Gottlieb Daimler purchases a 3,000 square meter factory site with warehouse at 67 Ludwigstraße on Seelberg Hill in Cannstatt. This marks the end of his experiments in the summer-house (now the Daimler Memorial) of his villa in Taubenheimstrasse.

13. Oktober: Gottlieb Daimler demonstriert sein Motorboot "Rems" auf dem Waldsee bei Baden-Baden. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt sind bereits drei Boote mit Daimler-Motor fertiggestellt. Nach der erfolgreichen Vorführung bittet Daimler die geladenen Gäste zum Bahnhof und präsentiert dort seine motorisierte Draisine, die ebenfalls von einem luftgekühlten schnellaufenden Einzylindermotor angetrieben wird.


Vår: French engineer and designer Emile Roger is granted exclusive distribution rights in France for vehicles and engines from Benz & Co. in Paris.

29. juli: Gottlieb Daimler registers his "self-propelling fire pump" at the Imperial Patent Office (No. DRP 46779). The first test model with a 1 hp one-cylinder engine is followed by a 4 hp two-cylinder variant, which causes quite a stir when it is exhibited at the German Fire Brigade Conference in Hanover.

August: Bertha Benz, together with her two sons Eugen and Richard, undertakes the first long-distance journey in automotive history. She drives an 1888 model Benz patent motor car (three-wheeler) from Mannheim to Pforzheim via Heidelberg, Bruchsal and Durlach, returning via Bretten and Bruchsal.

10. august: Leipzig bookseller Dr. Friedrich Hermann Wölfert sets off from Seelberg Hill to Kornwestheim in an airship powered by a Daimler 1-cylinder engine producing 4 hp at 535 rpm.

12. september: At the Munich "Exhibition of Engines and Working Machines" Karl Benz gives a public demonstration of his patent motor car, and is awarded the Gold Medal for his new design.

29. september: After acquiring the necessary Daimler patents for the USA, piano manufacturer William Steinway sets up the "Daimler Motor Company" on Long Island, New York.


5. Februar: Gottlieb Daimler schließt einen Lizenzvertrag mit Louise Sarazin, der dieser die Nutzung der französischen Daimler-Patente gestattet. Frau Sarazin, Witwe von Daimlers langjährigem Geschäftsfreund Edouard Sarazin, tritt ihre Nutzungsrechte an die Firma "Panhard & Levassor" in Paris ab.

Gottlieb Daimler presents his new 2-cylinder V-engine, which produces 1.5 hp at 600 rpm. The two cylinders are arranged at an angle of 17° to each other. This type of engine is used in particular for powering small, two-seater vehicles and is granted Patent DRP 50839 on June 9, 1889. The 2-cylinder engine is also installed in the "steel-wheeled motor car" designed by Daimler and Maybach, which, for the first time, incorporates a four-speed toothed-wheel gearbox. At the Paris World Exhibition, at which a Benz patent motor car is also exhibited, Daimler presents his 2-cylinder V-engine and the "steel-wheeled motor car". This marks the birth of the French automobile industry.

9. Juni: Gottlieb Daimler läßt seinen neuen Zweizylinder-V-Motor beim Kaiserlichen Patentamt schützen (DRP Nr. 50839, ausgegeben am 5. Februar 1890). Der erste V-Motor der Welt hat einen Zylinderwinkel von 17° und leistet 1,5 PS bei 600/min. Er dient als universelle Antriebsquelle für Straßen-, Schienen- und Wasserfahrzeuge, unter anderem auch für den von Daimler und Maybach konstruierten "Stahlradwagen".

Oktober: Auf der Pariser Weltausstellung, bei der auch ein Benz Patent-Motorwagen zu bewundern ist, präsentieren Daimler und Maybach ihren V-Motor und den "Stahlradwagen" und initiieren damit die Entstehung der französischen Automobilindustrie. Der "Stahlradwagen" ist mit dem von Maybach erfundenen Viergang-Zahnrad-Wechselgetriebe ausgerüstet.

29. Oktober: Die Firma "Panhard & Levassor" liefert den ersten in Frankreich nach Daimler-Lizenz gebauten Motor nach Barcelona. Am 12. Dezember folgt das zweite Exemplar.

12. desember: After signing license agreements with Daimler, the French company Panhard & Levassor delivers one of the first Daimler engines built in France to Barcelona.


Spring: Wilhelm Maybach designs the first 4-cylinder four-stroke engine. Weighing 153 kg and producing 5 hp at 620 rpm, it is destined for use in boats.

14. Juni: Im Rahmen seiner Konstruktionsarbeiten an motorgetriebenen Schienenfahrzeugen meldet Gottlieb Daimler eine "Vorrichtung zum Bremsen und zur Geschwindigkeitsänderung an Gas- und Petroleum-Lokomotiven" zum Patent an (DRP Nr. 57203, erteilt am 25. Juni 1891).

21. August: Der erste von Wilhelm Maybach konstruierte Vierzylindermotor wird nach New York ausgeliefert. Das 451 kg schwere Aggregat hat 6 l Hubraum und leistet 12,3 PS bei 390/min. Zehn Tage später erfolgt die Ablieferung einer parallel entwickelten Variante mit 2,4 l Hubraum, die 153 kg wiegt und 5,9 PS bei 620/min leistet. Beide Ausführungen sind für den Einbau in Boote bestimmt.

November 28: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft (DMG) is officially recorded by a notary in Stuttgart. Gottlieb Daimler, Max v. Duttenhofer and Wilhelm Lorenz had already signed a preliminary contract on March 14. Benz & Co. starts series production of marine engines. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft collaborates with Maschinenfabrik Esslingen in testing 10-20 hp engines to power the railway system.


11. februar: Wilhelm Maybach leaves Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft but continues to work on the development of engines and automobiles, at first using his home as a workshop.

2. mars: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft is recorded in the Commercial Register of Companies. William Steinway's "Daimler Motor Co." starts to manufacture America's first working motor car engine under license in Hartford, Connecticut/USA, according to Gottlieb Daimlers original blueprints. Karl Benz embarks on the design of the four-wheeled "Victoria" car - turning his back on the three-wheeled design used hitherto.


31. August: Die Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft liefert ihr erstes Automobil, eine Weiterentwicklung des "Stahlradwagens", an den Sultan von Marokko.

13. september: Wilhelm Maybach applies for patents on his belt drive with gearchange (Patent DRP 68492, 70577, 75069) and flywheel cooling (Patent DRP 70260). The patents are granted between May 1893 and May 1894 and the inventions incorporated into the "Belt-driven Car".

October: On behalf of his business partner Gottlieb Daimler, Wilhelm Maybach rents the garden room of the former Hotel Hermann in Cannstatt, where he, twelve workers and five apprentices continue their design work. The first development is the "Phoenix" engine. This has two parallel cylinders cast in one block and a camshaft for controlling the exhaust valves. The "Phoenix" is later used both for road vehicles and for ships and airships.


28. februar : Benz is granted Patent No. DRP 73515 for a double-pivot steering system by the Imperial Patent Office and shortly afterwards starts to construct four-wheeled "Victoria" cars.

26. mai: British businessman Frederick Richard Simms founds "Daimler Motor Syndicate Ltd." in London. Although the company does not, at first, manufacture its own vehicles, this event marks the birth of the British automobile industry.

1. mai - 31. oktober: At the World Exhibition in Chicago, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft presents the first fully operational automobile to be shown publicly in the USA. The model exhibited is a modified version of the "steel-wheeled motor car". Gottlieb Daimler visits the World Exhibition during his honeymoon with his second wife, Lina. Wilhelm Maybach develops the spray jet carburetor - the precursor to the modern carburetor.


The Benz "Velo" ("Velocipede") patent motor car becomes the world's first series production automobile.

July 16 - 22 Theodor von Liebieg undertakes the first long-distance journey in the history of motoring in his Benz "Victoria". The 939 km route starts from Reichenberg in Bohemia and continues via Mannheim to Gondorf, on the river Mosel.

July 22: The first car race (as a reliability test) is held between Paris and Rouen. There are 21 starters, of which 15 complete the course. 9 of the vehicles involved are equipped with Panhard-Levassor engines under license from Daimler and one is a Benz 3 hp "Vis-à-Vis".

October 10: Gottlieb Daimler temporarily leaves Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft and officially relinquishes his shares in the company. He and Wilhelm Maybach continue their work designing automobiles in the Hotel Hermann in Cannstatt.


March 18: The world's first motor powered omnibus, ordered on December 19, 1894 and manufactured by Benz & Co. in Mannheim, goes into service between the villages of Siegen, Netphen and Deuz. However, adverse weather conditions combined with technical problems lead to the service being discontinued in December that year.

November 2: The first motor car race in the USA takes place over a distance of 92 miles between Chicago and Vaukegan and back to Chicago. Out of the two competitors only Oscar Mueller - in a Benz - completes the race.

November 21: With the participation of Henry Lawson, "Daimler Motor Syndicate, Ltd." becomes "British Motor Syndicate, Ltd." with capital of £ 150,000. The new company acquires the British Daimler and Maybach patents for 350,000 Marks. Fredrick Simms made it a pre-condition of the transaction that Daimler and Maybach return to Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft by November 8.

December 21: Delivery of the 1,000th Daimler engine is celebrated with a ceremony in Daimler's garden.


January 14: Henry Lawson founds "Daimler Motor Company Ltd." which acquires the rights for the use of the Daimler patents from "British Motor Syndicate, Ltd." and starts production in Coventry in May the following year. This is the oldest automobile plant in Great Britain.

April 2: Benz & Co. open a branch in Stuttgart.

June 26: Haulage contractor Friedrich Greiner orders a Daimler "Victoria" equipped with a taximeter in order to operate a "Motorized Carriage Service" in Stuttgart - the world's first motorized taxi service.

October 1: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in Cannstatt delivers its first truck with a 2-cylinder, 4 hp engine and a 1,500 kg payload to "British Motor Syndicate, Ltd." in London. Karl Benz develops the first "Delivery Car" based on a Velo chassis.

5. Dezember: Der erste "Lieferungswagen" auf Basis eines "Velo"-Chassis wird von Benz & Cie. an das Pariser Kaufhaus "Du bon Marché" versendet.


Summer: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft presents the "Phoenix" car, the company's first vehicle with the engine located at the front end. This four-wheeled motorized carriage has a 2-cylinder Phoenix engine generating 4 hp, a tube radiator and a four-speed toothed-wheel gear change.

June 16: Friedrich Greiner takes delivery of a Daimler "Victoria" equipped with a taximeter. It is the world's first motorized taxi.

Benz & Co. develops the first 2-cylinder "contra" engine with horizontally opposed cylinders. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft develops a commercial vehicle range entitled "Daimler Business Car". It embraces 5 types of engine with 3, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hp designed for payloads of 500, 800, 1,200 and 2,000 kg. In Berlin the first German Automobile Club - the "Mitteleuropäischer Motorwagen Verein" - is founded. Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz are among the co-founders. Austro-Hungarian businessman Emil Jellinek receives his first Daimler vehicle, which he had ordered during a visit to Cannstatt. He soon becomes involved in selling Daimler cars and calls on Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft to supply him faster cars with increasingly powerful engines.

30. September: In Berlin wird der erste deutsche Automobilclub, der "Mitteleuropäische Motorwagen-Verein", gegründet. Gottlieb Daimler und Karl Benz sind Mitbegründer

16. Oktober: Der in Baden bei Wien und Nizza lebende Geschäftsmann Emil Jellinek erhält sein erstes Daimler-Automobil, das er anläßlich eines Besuches in Cannstatt in Auftrag gegeben hat. Schon bald betätigt er sich auch als Verkäufer der Daimler-Wagen und fordert von der Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft immer wieder schnellere Wagen mit leistungsstärkeren Motoren.

24. Dezember: Der von Wilhelm Maybach entwickelte Röhrchenkühler wird als deutsches Gebrauchsmuster (Nr. 104718) angemeldet. Diese innovative Konstruktion stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein der Automobilentwicklung dar. Erstmals realisiert wird sie im sogenannten "Phönix-Wagen", dem ersten Pkw-Typ der Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft mit vorn eingebautem Motor.

Dezember: Unter der Bezeichnung "Daimler-Geschäftswagen" bietet die Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft eine Lieferwagen-Modellreihe für Nutzlasten von 500 bis 2 000 kg an. Sie umfaßt fünf Typen mit 3, 4, 6, 8 und 10 PS.


Mai: Die Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft präsentiert ihr erstes Omnibusprogramm, das vier Grundtypen mit einer Leistung von 4, 6, 8 oder 10 PS umfaßt und für die Beförderung von 6 bis 16 Personen konzipiert ist.

June 13 - July 3: At the Motor Show in Paris Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach present a new generation of trucks for 5 ton payloads. They have a longitudinal four-stroke engine at the front under a bonnet, with toothed-wheel gears and rear-wheel drive.

July 21 - 25: A Daimler belt-driven car fitted with Bosch low voltage magneto ignition undertakes a five-day test drive through the Austrian Alps. The electric ignition is subsequently built into several DMG trucks. The experience gained through these developments soon clears the way for the replacement of the hot tube ignition system hitherto characteristic of Daimler engine construction.

August: "Daimler Manufacturing Company", in which "General Electric Co." has a significant holding, is founded in Long Island City, New York and takes over the business activities of "Daimler Motor Company".

September 12: The world's first four-cylinder road vehicle, a Daimler "Phoenix" Phaeton, is delivered to Emil Jellinek. The 2.1 liter "Phoenix" engine designed by Maybach delivers 8 hp at 720 rpm.

October 2: A Daimler motor omnibus with seating for ten passengers and powered by a 10 hp, 2-cylinder engine, goes into service between Künzelsau and Mergentheim (in the federal state of Württemberg). The private omnibus service is also commissioned to deliver the post along the 30 km route. Thus it becomes the first motorized postal service in Germany, though it is forced out of action again in July 1899.

November 3: In Marienfelde, near Berlin, an engineering company founded by Adolf Altmann in 1879 is converted into a public company operating under the name "Motorfahrzeug- und Motorenfabrik Berlin AG". It manufactures motor cars, omnibuses and commercial vehicles under license from Daimler. In 1902 it becomes the Berlin-Marienfelde branch of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft presents its first omnibus range to the public with four basic models: 4, 6, 8 or 10 hp engines for 6 to 16 passengers. For the first time a Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft truck is equipped with a Bosch low-tension magneto ignition. This soon results in the disappearance of the hot tube ignition system which had been characteristic of Daimler engines hitherto.


January 2: Despite rainstorms and soft road surfaces, two Benz cars are the first finishers in the long-distance race between Frankfurt and Cologne.

February 17: The first Daimler engine designed for the Graf Zeppelin airship is delivered. The 4.4 liter four-cylinder all-alloy engine (model N) delivers 15 hp at 700 rpm.

March 21: Wilhelm Bauer wins the 85 km touring race from Nice to Magagnone and back in a 24 hp, two-seater Daimler Phoenix at an average speed of 34.7 km/h. He is, however, not successful in the speed race or the Nice-La Turbie hill climb. Emil Jellinek, who had registered the Daimler driven by Bauer under his pseudonym "Mercédès", subsequently insists on building a completely new car in Cannstatt which will guarantee victory the following year.

May 8: Benz & Co. (OHG) becomes "Benz & Cie. Rheinische Gasmotorenfabrik AG Mannheim". In addition to Karl Benz, Julius Ganß, as a member of the Board, becomes commercial manager. On June 8 the firm is recorded in the Commercial Register of Companies. Production of the first Daimler engine (N series) for a Zeppelin airship (LZ 1) marks the start of a successful period of developing airship engines.

11. august The "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Kommanditgesellschaft Bierenz, Fischer & Co., Wiener-Neustadt" is set up to represent DMG in Austria-Hungary. Its own production activities are relatively modest and confined to assembling delivered components.

29. September: Die DMG meldet den Namen "Daimler" beim Kaiserlichen Patentamt als Warenzeichen an. Die Eintragung als Schutzmarke erfolgt am 4. Dezember.


March 6: Gottlieb Daimler dies at the age of 65 in Cannstatt.

March 26-30: Competing in the Nice Week racing festival are several newly designed 24 hp Daimler Phoenix racing cars. Emil Jellinek enters two cars registered, as in the previous year, under his pseudonym "Mercédès". During the Nice-La Turbie hill race, company driver Wilhelm Bauer in "Mercédès I" is killed when he comes out of a bend and drives straight into a wall. Co-driver Hermann Braun, who had already turned over "Mercédès I" during the Nice-Marseilles race, escapes unhurt. The tragic incident causes Jellinek to call for the development of a lighter vehicle with a longer wheelbase and lower center of gravity.

April 2: In Monaco, Emil Jellinek sets up a company for selling Daimler cars and engines. That same month he orders 36 vehicles in Cannstatt for a total price of 550,000 goldmarks - on condition that he is granted exclusive rights to market them under the name of "Mercedes" in Austria-Hungary, France, Belgium and the USA. On June 8, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft confirms his order.

8. Juni: Die DMG bestätigt Emil Jellinek einen weiteren Großauftrag, der 36 Fahrzeuge mit 8-PS-Motor umfaßt.

August 14: A contract is signed with the municipality of Untertürkheim for Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft to purchase a 185,000 square meter site on which to build a new plant.

September 20: Introduction of the honeycomb radiator (DRP 122 766) - based on the tube radiator introduced by Wilhelm Maybach in 1895. It represents a crucial step towards improving the performance of motor car engines.

20. September: Als wichtige Voraussetzung für die Leistungssteigerung im Fahrzeugmotorenbau wird der Bienenwabenkühler eingeführt (DRP 122766), dem der von Wilhelm Maybach im Jahre 1897 entwickelte Röhrchenkühler zugrundeliegt.

October: The first examples of the "Paul Daimler Car" are produced at DMG. The small 8 hp two-cylinder car, designed between 1899 and 1900 by Paul Daimler, the oldest son of the company's founder, is only produced in small numbers.

November 22: First successful testing of the 35 hp "Mercedes" car. A month later, on December 22, the first car is dispatched to Emil Jellinek in Nice. A workers' relief fund is set up at Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft. In addition to stationary engines, Benz & Cie. delivers 603 automobiles, of which 341 go to customers abroad. This makes it the world's biggest automobile factory.


22. März: Der erste Mercedes 12/16 PS, ein Schwestermodell des Typs 35 PS, wird an Emil Jellinek ausgeliefert.

March 25 - 29: A 35 hp Mercedes wins the Nice - Salon - Nice race (distance: 392 km). At the wheel is company driver Wilhelm Werner, who also wins the Nice-La Turbie hill race at an average speed of 51.4 km/h. The new car is so successful that Paul Meyan, secretary general of the French automobile club, subsequently wrote: "Nous sommes entrés dans l'ère Mercédès" (We have entered the Mercedes era).

September 27: Wilhelm Kress makes the first experimental flights in a seaplane fitted with a 35 hp four-cylinder Mercedes engine. This is the first ever flying machine fitted with an internal combustion engine.

September: Negotiations take place in America on starting up production of Mercedes cars.

December: Mercedes' success in America prompts millionaires like Rockefeller, Astor, Morgan, Taylor and others to purchase 40 hp Mercedes cars.

27. September: Der Österreicher Wilhelm Kress nimmt die Flugversuche mit seinem Wasserflugzeug auf, das als erstes Flugzeug mit Verbrennungsmotor gilt und mit einem 35 PS starken Mercedes-Vierzylindermotor ausgerüstet ist. Die Versuche bleiben jedoch erfolglos und müssen eingestellt werden, als das Fluggerät am 3. Oktober kentert und zerstört wird.

Dezember: Die Fahrleistungen des Mercedes 35 PS von William K. Vanderbilt, jr. veranlassen die amerikanischen Milliardäre Rockefeller, Astor, Morgan, Taylor und andere, Mercedes-Wagen zu bestellen.


January 1: The "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Kommanditgesellschaft Bierenz, Fischer & Co., Wiener-Neustadt" is taken over by Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft and continues to trade as a subsidiary.

1. März: Der erste Mercedes-Simplex 40 PS, eine verbesserte Weiterentwicklung des Mercedes 35 PS, wird an Jellinek versendet. Fünf Tage später folgen drei weitere Wagen, die ebenfalls für die im April stattfindende Woche von Nizza bestimmt sind. Zusammen mit dem ersten 40-PS-Wagen erhält Jellinek auch den ersten Musterwagen des Mercedes-Simplex 28 PS.

7. April: Beim Bergrennen Nizza - La Turbie siegt E. T. Stead auf Mercedes-Simplex 40 PS mit einem neuen Streckenrekord. Im Meilenrennen am 13. April belegen die Mercedes-Simplex von Degrais, Werner und Lemaitre die ersten drei Plätze.

7. Mai: Mit einem Mercedes-Lohner-Porsche gewinnt Ferdinand Porsche das Exelberg-Rennen in der Kategorie der Wagen. Bei dieser Spezialkonstruktion auf Basis des Mercedes-Simplex 28 PS treibt der Benzinmotor über einen Generator elektrische Radnabenmotoren in den Vorderrädern an. Porsche selbst hat diese Antriebstechnik "System Lohner-Porsche" bei der Firma "Jacob Lohner & Co." in Wien entwickelt. Derartige Fahrzeuge werden ab 1906 unter der Bezeichnung "Mercédès Mixte" vertrieben.

27. Mai: Mit der Auslieferung des ersten Mercedes-Simplex 20 PS ist auch das dritte Mercedes-Modell des Verkaufsprogramms für 1902 erhältlich. Die Mercedes-Simplex Typenpalette umfaßt Modelle mit 20, 28 und 40 PS.

27. Juni: Die "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Commanditgesellschaft Bierenz, Fischer & Co., Wiener-Neustadt" wird von der Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft übernommen und als Tochtergesellschaft weitergeführt. Mit der technischen Leitung wird Paul Daimler betraut.

July 29: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft takes over "Motorfahrzeug- und Motorenfabrik Berlin AG" (MMB) in Berlin-Marienfelde and continues to operate it as a branch.

September 26: The trademark "Mercedes" is officially registered after having been filed on June 23.

Summer: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft introduces the Mercedes "Simplex" 18/22 hp, 28/32 hp, 40/45 hp and 60/70 hp. "Simplex" indicates "simplified", and the vehicle has a lighter engine and lower consumption of cooling water than its 1900/01 predecessors.

3. Oktober: Benz & Cie. stellt auf der Motorwagen-Ausstellung in Hamburg den Typ "Parsifal" 10/12 PS vor. Das Fahrzeug besitzt einen vorn eingebauten Zweizylindermotor und Kardanantrieb. Damit wird endgültig die Abkehr von Heckmotor und Riemenantrieb vollzogen. Im Dezember erfolgt auf dem Pariser Salon die Präsentation vor internationalem Publikum.

November 27: "G. F. Milnes & Co., Ltd.", London, in which "Motorfahrzeug- und Motorenfabrik Berlin AG" has an 80 % holding, is renamed "Milnes-Daimler Ltd." after the merger of MMB and DMG and acquires the sole distribution rights for DMG for the whole of the British empire.

December 10 - 25: At the Paris Motor Show, Benz & Cie. presents the Benz "Parsifal" 8/10 hp. This vehicle has a 2-cylinder engine located in front of the driver's seat and a cardan drive-shaft. This marks the final departure from rear mounted engines and belt drives.


January 19: The first vertical 4-cylinder engine built by Benz & Cie. leaves the test bench in Mannheim ready for installation.

19. Januar: Mit dem Mercedes-Simplex 18/22 PS liefert die DMG den ersten neuen Mercedes-Typ des Modelljahrs 1903 aus. Der Motor verfügt, erstmals bei der DMG, über hängende Einlaßventile, die über Stößelstangen betätigt werden.

January 24: Karl Benz leaves Benz & Cie, but the same year is nominated to the Supervisory Board, which he continues to be a member of until 1927 - even after the merger to form Daimler-Benz.

Spring: "Società Italiana dei Motori Daimler" is founded in Milan. The company acts as a repair workshop and takes over sales of those DMG products, which are not covered by Jellinek's sole distribution rights.

17. Februar: Die DMG liefert den ersten Mercedes-Simplex 60 PS an Emil Jellinek. Das neue Modell ist der bislang leistungsstärkste Mercedes-Typ.

8. - 22. März: Anläßlich der "Deutschen Automobil-Ausstellung" in Berlin wird der erste Benz Vierzylinder-Serienwagen präsentiert. Im Gegensatz zu den Zweizylinder-Modellen ist der Benz "Parsifal" 16/20 PS mit Kettenantrieb ausgerüstet.

14. - 29. März: Auf der "Internationalen Automobil-Ausstellung" in Wien stellt die Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft den von Paul Daimler in Cannstatt konstruierten Kleinwagen als Coupé und Doppel-Phaeton aus. Die Fertigung läuft in Wiener-Neustadt an, erreicht aber keine großen Stückzahlen.

1. April: Das Bergrennen Nizza - La Turbie endet mit einem Doppelsieg für Otto Hieronimus und Wilhelm Werner auf Mercedes-Simplex 60 PS. Die Freude über den Sieg wird jedoch getrübt durch den tödlichen Unfall von Graf Zborowski, der mit dem 60-PS-Wagen an der gleichen Stelle verunglückt wie drei Jahre zuvor Wilhelm Bauer. Beim Meilenrennen und den Rekordversuchen auf der Promenade des Anglais in Nizza erringt Mercedes am 7. April erneut triumphale Erfolge. Frühjahr: In Mailand wird die "Società Italiana dei Motori Daimler" gegründet. Sie fungiert als Reparaturwerkstatt und übernimmt den Verkauf der nicht dem Vertrieb durch Jellinek unterliegenden Produkte.

June 9/10: A major fire in Cannstatt destroys about 90 finished and unfinished vehicles, including three 90 hp racing cars intended for use in the Gordon Bennett Race.

July 2: Belgian driver Camille Jenatzy wins the 4th Gordon Bennett Race in Ireland in a 60 hp Mercedes. The car belongs to American enthusiast Clarence G. Dinsmore from New York, who made it available to Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft for the race following the fire in Cannstatt.

August 30 - September 4: The German boat "Mercedes", fitted with a 40 hp Mercedes Simplex engine, clocks up its first foreign success in the first race from Paris to the sea. Mercedes wins all of the 6 stages covering a total distance of over 322 kilometers.

December: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft starts up its first production facility in its newly-constructed Untertürkheim plant.


January: A 90 hp Mercedes racing car driven by W. K. Vanderbilt jun. breaks the absolute world record for the mile in Ormond-Daytona Bay, Florida/USA with a speed of 148.5 km/h.

March: King Edward VII of England takes delivery of an 18/24 hp Mercedes car.

March: "Ateliers Mercédès-Daimler S.A." is established in Puteaux, near Paris. The company is to act as a repair workshop and sales outlet for products not covered by the sole distribution rights held by Jellinek.

30. März: Das von Benz & Cie. am 4. September 1903 angemeldete Warenzeichen wird beim Kaiserlichen Patentamt als Schutzmarke registriert. Es zeigt den Schriftzug "Original Benz", der von einem Zahnkranz umgeben ist.

May 26: The administration of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft moves from Cannstatt to the new plant in Untertürkheim. The move is officially recorded in the Commercial Register of Companies on October 17.

November: Following a change in ownership, the Coventry-based "Daimler Motor Company, Ltd." is renamed "Daimler Motor Company (1904), Ltd.".

November: Die englische "Daimler Motor Company, Ltd." in Coventry wird nach einem Wechsel in den Besitzverhältnissen in "Daimler Motor Company (1904), Ltd." umbenannt.

Dezember: In Paris wird die "Mercedes Société Francaise d'Automobiles" gegründet, an der neben Emil Jellinek auch die DMG beteiligt ist. Die neue Gesellschaft übernimmt im Juni 1905 die Tochterunternehmen der DMG in Puteaux und Mailand und zum 1. Januar 1906 die bei Jellinek liegenden Vertriebsrechte für Mercedes-Wagen und Schiffsmotoren. Emil Jellinek erzielt mit 24 Bestellungen aus Belgien, 12 aus Holland und 150 aus England einen neuen Verkaufsrekord für Mercedes.

December: "Mercédès Société Francaise d'Automobiles", in which both Emil Jellinek and DMG hold a stake, is founded in Paris. In June 1905 the new company takes over the DMG subsidiaries in Puteaux and Milan and, on January 1, 1906 the distribution rights for Mercedes car and marine engines previously held by Jellinek. Emil Jellinek creates a new sales record for Mercedes with 24 orders from Belgium, 12 from Holland and 150 from England.


January 25: Driving a Mercedes with two 60 hp engines, H. L. Bowden achieves a new world record of 176.5 km/h for a mile with flying start at Daytona Beach, Florida/USA.

January 30: In the final run of the USA Ormond Derby, E. R. Thomas, in a 90 hp Mercedes, reaches an average speed of 153.3 km/h over ten miles, a world record.

January: The "American Mercedes" is presented at the National Automobile Show in Madison Square Garden, New York. The first Mercedes manufactured in America, produced by "Daimler Manufacturing Company", is essentially a replica of the Mercedes 45 hp built in Untertürkheim.

February: The last machine leaves the Cannstatt plant of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft for Untertürkheim.

February: Georg Wiß founds the "Süddeutsche Automobilfabrik Gaggenau GmbH" (S.A.G.) in Gaggenau.

Fall: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft presents two important innovations in commercial vehicle design: location of the radiator at the front end of the frame and the introduction of cast steel wheels.

11. - 17. August: Die erste Herkomer-Konkurrenz, eine 937 km lange Tourenwagenwettfahrt durch Süddeutschland, endet mit einem Dreifachsieg für Mercedes: Edgar Ladenburg, Hermann Weingand und Willy Pöge gewinnen die ersten drei Plätze im Gesamtklassement.


2. April: Nach einem Arbeitskampf wird die tägliche Arbeitszeit bei der DMG von 10,5 auf 9,5 Stunden reduziert. Gleichzeitig führen mehrere Abteilungen den Zweischichtbetrieb ein, um angesichts der guten Auftragslage die Lieferverpflichtungen erfüllen zu können.

Mai: In Untertürkheim wird der von Wilhelm Maybach konstruierte Mercedes Sechszylinder-Rennwagen fertiggestellt. Anfang August bewährt sich die 120 PS starke Neukonstruktion bei ausgedehnten Erprobungsfahrten am Semmering und auf der Ardennen-Rennstrecke. Ein Riß im Zylinderkopf verhindert dann aber den Einsatz beim Ardennen-Rennen am 13. August. 5. -

13. Juni: Bei der zweiten Herkomer-Konkurrenz, gefahren in Bayern und Österreich über 1 648 km Distanz, belegen Emil Neumaier auf Benz und Willy Pöge auf Mercedes die Plätze zwei und drei.

July: In Paris two companies are founded in which both Emil Jellinek and DMG hold a stake: "Société des Automobiles Industrielles", in which DMG has a 55 % holding , and "Société Mercédès Electrique", in which DMG holds an 8.5% share. "Société des Automobiles Industrielles" acquires the plant site in Wiener Neustadt, Austria from DMG and the manufacturing licenses for France, Austria-Hungary and the Balkans. "Société Mercédès Electrique" is the brainchild of Jellinek and is to begin production of electric-powered cars according to the Lohner-Porsche system. Following the purchase of the plant in Wiener Neustadt Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft is converted into a limited company.

September 23: In the 8th Semmering Race (distance: 10 km) Hermann Braun, in a 100 hp Mercedes, sets a new course record with an average speed of 77 km/h. This is Braun's fourth consecutive victory in this top class hill climb.

September: "Deutsche Mercedes-Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH" is established in Frankfurt to handle the increasingly important domestic sales sector. Flinsch & Co., previously the general distributor, "Mercédès Société Francaise d'Automobiles", Paris and "Continental Caoutchouc & Gutta-Percha-Compagnie" all hold equal stakes in the new company. At the end of 1907 DMG takes over the shares held by Flinsch and Continental.

23. September: Im 8. Semmering-Rennen stellt Hermann Braun auf einem Mercedes 100 PS Rennwagen einen neuen Semmering-Rekord mit einem Durchschnitt von 77 km/h auf. Für Braun ist dies der vierte Sieg in Folge bei diesem bedeutenden österreichischen Bergrennen.

September: Für den zunehmend wichtigen Vertrieb im Inland wird die "Deutsche Mercedes-Verkaufsgesellschaft GmbH" in Frankfurt gegründet. Beteiligt sind zu gleichen Teilen die bisherige Generalvertretung Flinsch & Co., die "Mercédès Société Francaise d'Automobiles" in Paris und die "Continental Caoutchouc & Gutta-Percha-Compagnie". Ende 1907 übernimmt die DMG die Anteile von Flinsch und Continental.

9, October: In Mannheim, "Rheinische Automobil-Gesellschaft AG" is founded to handle sales of Benz automobiles. Benz & Cie. purchases an industrial site on Luzenberg Hill in Mannheim-Waldhof for 1.6 million Marks. Special measures including a reduction of working time to 9 1/2 hours per day result in the need to introduce double shifts in several sections of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft.

November: Die Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft präsentiert die neuen "Mercédès Mixte" Pkw-Modelle für 1907. Der 45-PS- oder 70-PS-Benzinmotor treibt über einen Generator elektrische Radnabenmotoren in den Vorderrädern an.

1. Dezember: Bei der freiwilligen Feuerwehr Grunewald wird die erste von einem Benzinmotor angetriebene Feuerlösch-Gasspritze Deutschlands in Dienst gestellt. Das 32/35-PS-Vierzylinder-Fahrgestell stammt von der Süddeutschen Automobilfabrik Gaggenau. Benz & Cie. kauft ein Fabrikgelände in Mannheim-Waldhof auf dem Luzenberg für 1,6 Mio. Mark.


February 13: The production plant of "Daimler Manufacturing Company" in New York is gutted in a serious fire that destroys eight completed cars and around 40 others still under construction. Production on this site is never resumed.

February 28 - March 12: The "Maja" car constructed by Ferdinand Porsche is presented at the Vienna Motor Show initially only in chassis form. Production of the 28/32 hp car conceived by Emil Jellinek and named after his second daughter begins shortly afterwards at "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft mbH" in Wiener Neustadt. However, Jellinek does not achieve the same level of commercial success with the "Maja" as experienced with the "Mercedes".

April 1: Wilhelm Maybach leaves Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft. He is succeeded by Paul Daimler as Head of the Design Office and Technical Manager.

Summer: Benz & Cie. acquires "Süddeutsche Automobilfabrik Gaggenau GmbH" in return for its own shares to a value of 350,000 Marks. "Süddeutsche Automobilfabrik Gaggenau" supplies the first self-propelled "Grunewald" fire hose and the first 4-cylinder, 30 hp aero-engine to the German Airship Battalion in Berlin. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft starts production of motorized fire tenders in Berlin-Marienfelde.


March: Mercedes models are fitted with the new Bosch contact-breaking ignition system - which can also be retrofitted in older models on request.

April 6: The two Paris-based companies "Société Mercédès Electrique" and "Société des Automobiles Commercielles" are merged into "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft mbH".

June 9 - 18: The first Prince Heinrich Tour takes place between Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Frankfurt. The Benz company driver Fritz Erle takes victory in a Benz 50 hp touring car.

July 7: Christian Lautenschlager wins the French Grand Prix in Dieppe in a 140 hp Mercedes. He completes the 769.88 km in 6 hours 55 minutes and 43 seconds - an average speed of 111.1 km/h. Second and third places are taken by Victor Héméry and René Hanriot in Benz cars, and the track record of 126.5 km/h is set by Otto Salzer, also in a 140 hp Mercedes.

Fall: The Hungarian company Benz-Automobilfabrik AG is set up to undertake the production of cars, trucks and omnibuses.

September 14: The first electrically-driven motorized fire engine is put into service with the Berlin fire brigade. These fire engines are fitted with an electric power train which uses a high-charge electro-battery to drive the front wheels by means of wheel hub motors on the front axle. This type of vehicle was sold under the name "Mercédès-Electrique" and produced at "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft mbH" in Wiener Neustadt.

October 12: The Benz plant built at Luzenberg in Mannheim-Waldhof at a cost of 600,000 Marks is officially opened. In the period up to 1909 automobile manufacture is gradually transferred to the new plant.

November: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft grants exclusive distribution rights for all its products in England to "Milnes-Daimler Ltd.", London. Benz & Cie.'s new plant on Luzenberg Hill in Mannheim-Waldhof is completed at a total cost of 600,000 Marks and car production is transferred there. Dr. Hans Nibel becomes chief engineer at Benz & Cie.


March 14: Prosper L'Orange takes out a patent on behalf of Benz & Cie. for the pre-chamber injection system he has invented.

May 1: Paul Graetz arrives in Swakopmund, German South-West Africa, to complete the first crossing of Africa in an automobile. His specially-designed 35 hp car is constructed at "Süddeutsche Automobilfabrik Gaggenau GmbH" and features a special body built by the Neuss coachworks in Berlin. The 9,500 km journey had begun on August 10, 1907 in Dar-es-Salaam, German East Africa. The construction of a 60 hp, 4-cylinder engine marks Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's debut in aero-engine manufacture. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft acquires the license for the sleeve-valve engine invented by the American Charles J. Knight.


March 17: At Daytona Beach, Florida/USA, Barney Oldfield, in a 200 hp "Blitzen Benz", covers a mile at an average of 211.4 km/h - a new world record.

June 2-8: Benz & Cie. enters a special touring sports car in the third Prince Heinrich Tour. The 100 hp, 7.2 liter 4-cylinder engine is the first four-valve unit constructed at Benz.

Fall: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft starts selling the first fire brigade turntable ladders on Daimler chassis.

October 3: An extraordinary general meeting at "Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd." results in the decision to take over "Daimler Motor Company (1904), Ltd.". Fifty years later the BSA Group sells the English Daimler company to "Jaguar Cars Ltd." based in Coventry.

October 7: "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft mbH" is converted into a stock corporation. DMG's stake in the company stands at around 25 %.

December 3-18: At the Paris Motor Show DMG presents a Landaulet fitted with a Knight sleeve-valve engine. Series production of the Mercedes Knight 16/40 hp begins in early 1911.

December 31: Süddeutsche Automobilfabrik GmbH becomes "Benzwerke Gaggenau GmbH".


Vår: Trading begins in Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft shares on the Stuttgart stock exchange.

April 23.: At Daytona Beach, Florida/USA, Bob Burman in "Blitzen Benz" clocks up an average speed of 228.1 km/h for the mile from a flying start - the highest speed ever achieved by a road vehicle and a world record which remains unbeaten until 1924.

August: I Berlin, Mercedes flymotorer produsert av Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft vinner avstemmingen om beste motorer under den Tyske langdistanse flytesten. Benz & Cie. supplies a new high-performance "Hesselman System", marine diesel engine for the motor-vessel "Fram" used by Roald Amundsen for his Antarctic expedition


Januar: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft supplies a 14/45 hp Mercedes to the Japanese emperor Yoshihito. This becomes the first automobile in the imperial fleet.

Oktober 1: The 4-cylinder FX Benz aero-engine developed by engineer Arthur Berger is presented to the public. 2.: Ralph de Palma wins the Vanderbilt Race in the USA in a 140 hp Mercedes Grand Prix racing car of 1908. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft acquires a site at "Unter den Linden 50/51" in Berlin for sales and exhibition purposes.


Januar. - 27. januar - Benz & Cie. -

Benz & Cie.'s 4-cylinder FX Benz aero-engine is awarded the "Kaiserpreis" (Emperor's prize for the best aero-engine). The FX has a cubic capacity of 9.6 liters and a power rating of 105 hp.

April: DMG - DMG sells its stake in "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-AG" to "Skoda-Werke AG", based in Plzen, Czechoslovakia. This severs the link between DMG and its former subsidiary.

30. September: The new "Mercedes Palace" opens on Unter den Linden Avenue in the center of Berlin.

22. Desember: On the Brooklands circuit in England, L. G. Hornsted sets two world records in a 200 hp Benz, a modified variant of the "Blitzen Benz", - one for the half mile with standing start (113.8 km/h) and one for the kilometer (118.8 km/h).


Mai: The first units of the Mercedes 28/95 hp, which embodies the tradition at DMG of particularly exclusive and high-performance cars of the highest caliber, leave the Untertürkheim plant. 25 vehicles are delivered by July 1915. Between1920 and 1924 a further 600 of this essentially unaltered model are built.

4. juli: Christian Lautenschlager wins the French Grand Prix in Lyon in a 115 hp Grand Prix Mercedes whose 4.5 liter engine has two inlet and two outlet valves per cylinder. Second and third places are taken by Louis Wagner and Otto Salzer in the same type of car. This one-two-three against stiff international competition is also the second time DMG has won one of the most important Grand Prix races on the calendar. Benz builds the first German 12-cylinder aero-engine - the Bz DV - weighing 425 kg and producing 250 hp. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft introduce the 12/32 hp Mercedes which is built up to 1919 and mainly supplied as a field ambulance.


31. mai: Ralph de Palma wins the Indianapolis Grand Prix in the USA in a 4.5 liter 115 hp Grand Prix Mercedes.

6/7 Juli: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft acquires sites at Böblingen military airport on which to build an aircraft plant at Sindelfingen. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft acquires sites at Untertürkheim and Marienfelde in order to expand its production facilities. The first twin-engined AEG aircraft is fitted with Benz Bz II 150 hp aero-engines. In order to increase its capacity, Benz & Cie. buys a controlling share in "Marta Ungarische Automobil AG" in Arad, where it starts building aero-engines. It also purchases a stake in "Aviatik-Flugzeugwerke".


September 28: Following negotiations with "Flugzeugbau-Friedrichshafen GmbH" an agreement is signed which allows Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft to build aircraft under license and fit them with Daimler engines. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft and Benz & Cie. each establish their own apprenticeship department. "Rheinische Automobil-Gesellschaft AG", a sales company for Benz automobiles, and Benz & Cie. merge. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft provides loans of over 5 million Marks to the city of Stuttgart. Aviatik-Flugzeugwerke, which transferred from Freiburg to Leipzig after Benz bought a stake in it, achieves a monthly output of 100 aircraft.


July 1: The Sindelfingen plant is requested to prepare for aero-engine production. The Air Corps inspectors intend to increase production of Mercedes aero-engines and at the same time to decentralize manufacturing operations. Dr. Hans Nibel becomes Deputy Board Member and Wilhelm Kissel is made "Prokurist" [authorized signatory] of Benz & Cie. The Sindelfingen plant is expanded through the acquisition of "Süddeutsche Teppichfabrik". About half the workforce at the Marienfelde plant is involved in truck production. The employee's relief fund set up at Benz & Cie. in 1906 is changed into a relief and pension fund. 1.5 million Marks are also spent on setting up a workers' welfare fund, which is henceforth financed by annual profits. Production of light tanks begins in Untertürkheim - with the engines being supplied from Marienfelde. However, by the end of the First World War a mere 23 tanks have been produced. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's Berlin-Marienfelde plant - which had produced the first marine diesel engines in 1912 - supplies U-boat engines to the navy. Work begins in Sindelfingen on the first administration building. Initially a one-storey construction, additional floors are added in 1919.


1. Januar: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's Sindelfingen plant, which had hitherto been managed from Untertürkheim, becomes an independent operation.

6. mars: The management of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft is put under military supervision and accused in the civil courts of setting excessively high prices.

March: The first Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft production lines in Sindelfingen start to produce aero-engines. A lack of machines means that the first engines are only ready for testing shortly before the end of the war. The eight-hour working day is introduced at Benz & Cie.

Høst: A number of test benches for aero-engines are set up at the Sindelfingen plant.

December 9: The military authorities drop their accusations of excessively high prices against Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft. Between 1914 and 1918 the workforce employed by Benz & Cie. in Mannheim and Gaggenau expands from 7,700 to over 12,000. The balance sheet total increases from 55 to 107 million Marks.


Januar: A customer magazine entitled "Daimler-Zeitung" appears for the first time, but ceases in December after only seven editions have been published.

Mars: The Sindelfingen workforce goes on strike in order to achieve an inflation bonus.

6. juni: The "Daimler-Werkzeitung", edited by cultural philosopher Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy, appears. The idea of this in-house publication is to inform the workforce about new ways of economic thinking during these times of far-reaching social and political change. On August 26, 1920, one day after the closure of the Untertürkheim plant, it appears for the last time.

12. november: The "Daimler-Werksnachrichten" is published as an information bulletin for employees of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft in the Untertürkheim and Sindelfingen factories. It ceases publication in October 1922. In order to make full use of spare capacity at the former aircraft plant in Sindelfingen, vehicle bodies and furniture are produced. During the course of 1919 there are recurrent strikes in all three of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's factories.


August 25: Following the strike of 1919 in Untertürkheim, there is an escalation of activity by groups of Communist workers, who terrorize their more moderate colleagues and dominate the first statutory Works Council which has just been set up. The government of Württemberg therefore forcibly closes the main plant.

September: Production restarts at Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft with a reduced workforce of 4,200. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft trebles its share capital within a period of 8 months to a total of 100 million Marks. In terms of capital resources it is now one of Germany's biggest industrial companies. In order to reduce the risk of excessive foreign control, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft and Maschinenfabrik Esslingen exchange preference shares with 16-fold voting rights. Benz issues preference shares with 12-fold voting rights to a value of 2 million Marks and a 10-year blocking period. Benz & Cie. presents a side-tipping truck to the public.


May 29: At the "Targa Florio" in Sicily, Max Sailer wins the "Coppa Florio" for the fastest production car in a 28/95 hp Mercedes. (Distance: 432 km, time: 7 hours 27 minutes 16 seconds, average speed: 57.9 km/h).

September 24: Franz Hörner drives a Benz 10/30 hp to victory in the Class X B race (for cars with less than a taxable 10 hp and overhead valves) which heralds the opening of the AVUS race circuit in Berlin. Over a total race length of 157.4 km, he achieves an average speed of 118.1 km/h.

September 23 - October 2: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft presents two car models at the Berlin Auto Show - the supercharged 6/20 hp and 10/35 hp. Series production of the - by now more powerful - 6/25/40 hp and 10/40/65 hp does not start until the spring of 1923.


April 2: Graf Masetti wins the Sicilian "Targa Florio" in a 1914 Mercedes Grand Prix model, and Max Sailer wins the production car title in a supercharged 28/95 hp Mercedes. A supercharged 6/25/40 hp Mercedes also competes in the sub-1.5 liter class. This is the first time that supercharged cars have been used in races.

June 8: The Benz & Cie. Board of Management commissions an initial test series for pre-chamber diesel engines. The 2-cylinder four-stroke engines produce 25 hp at 800 rpm and are fitted into three Benz-Sendling S 6 motorized ploughs. Testing is so successful that the decision is taken, on March 6, 1923, to produce a series of 100 units.

December: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft transfers its headquarters from Untertürkheim to Berlin for tax reasons. Based on the Rumpler "Tropfen-Auto" ("Teardrop car") presented in September 1921 Benz & Cie develop the Type RH "Teardrop car". Although the idea is not pursued for car construction, some of the design features are taken up - for example the independent rear axle.


March 26: "Lissa Maschinenfabrik GmbH" is set up in Untertürkheim to produce typewriters, and shortly afterwards renamed "DMG Büromaschinenfabrik GmbH". The final decision to manufacture typewriters is not made until November 27 by the Board of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft.

April 14: The Board of Benz & Cie. in Mannheim decides to start series production of the OB pre-chamber diesel engine. This is the first ever series-produced diesel engine for commercial vehicles.

April 30: Ferdinand Porsche takes over the management of the Design Office at Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft as the successor to Adolf Daimler, after the long standing technical manager had moved to the Horch company on January 1.

July 19 - 21: Rudolf Caracciola achieves three race victories and the overall classification in the "Touring cars with less than a taxable 6 hp" class of the ADAC Reich Touring Trophy. It is his second competition at the wheel of a Mercedes.

August: "Mercedes-Fahrradwerke GmbH" in Berlin-Marienfelde, a subsidiary of Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft, starts to produce bicycles under the trade-name of "Mercedes". The first products are available in the shops in January 1924.

September 9: The Benz Type RH "Teardrop" racing car achieves considerable success in the European Grand Prix. This is the only achievement resulting from the purchase of the Rumpler licenses.

September 28 - October 7: At the Berlin Auto Show, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft presents three operational commercial vehicles with compressed air injection diesel engines. Benz exhibits the "Teardrop" racing car.

October 26: Because of rampant inflation, Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft is forced to issue its own money in order to make it possible for financial transactions to continue. Other companies as well as various public authorities also issue their own emergency currency during this period. The introduction of the Rentenmark on November 20 finally puts an end to inflation.


8. februar: The Amsterdam Commercial Vehicle Show witnesses the debut of the world's first series-produced diesel-powered truck – a Benz 5-tonne vehicle, which is equipped with the OB 2 pre-chamber diesel engine and completed its first test run in September 1923.

April 27: Christian Werner wins the Targa and the Coppa Florio - the first significant successes for the new supercharged racing cars.

May 1: Benz & Cie. and Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft form a community of interests. Mercedes-Benz Automobil GmbH is established on 30 May and takes over responsibility for joint sales activities for the Mercedes and Benz brands.

24. september: Robert Bosch GmbH i Stuttgart tar i bruk verdens første dieseldrevne lastebil som sluttkunde. Lastebilen er en Benz femtonner med en fire sylindret OB 2 forkammer dieselmotor. Lastebilen ble presentert for verden i februar, under en utstilling i Amsterdam.

Oktober: The Daimler L 20 light plane designed by Hanns Klemm takes off on its maiden flight. Initially it is powered by a Harley-Davidson motorcycle engine, delivering 12.5 hp.

10. 18. desember: The new Mercedes 15/70/100 hp and 24/100/140 hp cars with 6-cylinder supercharged engines are presented at the Berlin Auto Show. Also shown are commercial vehicles with diesel engines equipped with Benz pre-chamber injections systems, compressed air injection systems by Daimler and direct injection systems by MAN.


To supplement the work of the apprenticeship department at Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft a three-class company vocational school is set up to train an average of 200 apprentices.

The Daimler and Benz community of interests decides in favor of the pre-chamber diesel principle developed by Benz & Cie. rather than Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft's compressed air injection system.

Benz & Cie. presents a new type of omnibus design - the 2 CNa and 2 CNb series omnibuses with a lower floor.

18. februar: A trademark application is lodged with the Patent Office for the Mercedes three-pointed star encircled by a laurel wreath – a combination of the DMG and Benz & Cie. trademarks. The Mercedes-Benz logo follows on 25 April. The two trademarks are entered in the register on 3 September 1926 and 7 October 1927 respectively.

Mai: The first series of 12 Mercedes F 7502 aeroengines is completed at the Untertürkheim factory. DMG developed the 20 hp / 15 kW air-cooled two-cylinder horizontally opposed engine specifically for the Daimler L 20 light plane.

31 May - 9 June: DMG takes part in the 1925 German Long-Distance Flight Trials with four light planes equipped with the new Mercedes F 7502 engine. In addition to two Daimler L 20, two twin-engine Daimler L 21 aircraft, designed by Hanns Klemm on the basis of the L 20 specifically for the competition, take to the air in Berlin-Tempelhof. In one of these planes, Bruno Loerzer finishes first in Group A. Second and third places go to Martin Schrenk and Hans Guritzer in the L 20.


28. - 29. juni: Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft and Benz & Cie. merge to form Daimler-Benz AG. The company's headquarters is in Berlin, with a central administration in Untertürkheim.

11. juli: Rudolf Caracciola wins the German Grand Prix on the Avus race circuit in a 2 liter, 8-cylinder "Monza" supercharged racing car (distance: 392.3 km, time: 2 hours 54 minutes 17.8 seconds, average speed: 135.2 km/h).

22. juli: In the 12-hour race for the Grand Prix of Guipúzcoa for Touring Cars in San Sebastián, Spain, Otto Merz, Rudolf Caracciola and Christian Werner score a triple victory to gain the first international success for the Mercedes-Benz 24/100/140 hp K model.

21. august: Daimler-Benz AG submits the finalised form of the trademark, with the words "Mercedes" and "Benz" integrated in the laurel wreath. It is registered on 28 August 1928.

29. oktober - 7. november: The first joint Daimler-Benz range is presented at the Berlin Auto Show. The newly-created 8/38 hp two liter car and the 12/55 hp three liter car are both given their world premieres. The model "K", successfully involved in touring car racing since July, is also presented. This special short wheelbase car, developed on the basis of the 24/100/140 hp model, is introduced into the standard product range in April 1927.

25. november: On his 82nd birthday Karl Benz is granted the freedom of the town of Ladenburg in a special ceremony. The 24/100/140 hp touring car is presented as a special version with a shortened wheelbase under the title of "Model K". Daimler-Benz AG is heavily in debt, with 28 million Reichsmarks (RM) owed to banks.

3. desember: The Board of Management of Daimler-Benz AG decides to discontinue truck production at the Berlin-Marienfelde plant (it has been limited to the heavy-duty class since spring 1925) as of 1 April 1927. As a result, the Marienfelde plant loses its status as a vehicle production facility and devotes itself in future to parts production and repairs. Commercial vehicle sales are to be concentrated in Gaggenau from 1 January.

15. Desember: Hanns Klemm sets up Leichtflugzeugbau Klemm - Hanns Klemm, head of the design office at the Sindelfingen plant, sets up Leichtflugzeugbau Klemm and with ten employees takes over operation of the aircraft construction unit of Daimler-Benz AG. To this end, he initially leases the previous production building in Sindelfingen. His first series-built airplane is the 1924 Klemm L 20, the archetype of all light planes.


January 3: Rudolf Caracciola becomes a representative of Daimler-Benz AG in the newly-founded firm of Caracciola & Co. GmbH on the Kurfürstendamm in Berlin.

March: In order to pay off bank debts a 6% loan is taken out. Only the Commercial Vehicle Division of Daimler-Benz AG is operating at a profit.

May: Daimler-Benz AG starts series production of its OM 5 diesel engine and also launches the new Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle range with the L 1, L 2, L 5 and N 1 and N 2 vehicles.

June 19: First involvement of the Mercedes-Benz "S" in the German Grand Prix, the first race to be held on the Nürburgring. S model cars finish first, second and third, Rudolf Caracciola taking the win. The S model is based on the "K" model, the design of which was modified by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche. It has a 6.8 liter engine producing 120 hp (or 180 hp with supercharger).

August 13/14: National and International races are held over the Klausen Pass. In the over-5 liter class the first 5 places in the national competition are taken by Mercedes-Benz cars. The winner is Rudolf Caracciola, with the female driver Ernes Merck coming second. In the international competition Mercedes-Benz cars take the first four places, with Caracciola once again victorious. Production ceases at the Marienfelde plant (it continues only as a repair workshop). The coachworks in Sindelfingen starts to produce omnibus bodies.


Spring: Body construction at the Daimler-Benz plant in Sindelfingen moves from individual hand-crafting to series production with the acquisition of a forging press. At the same time presses manufactured by the company "Weingarten" are put into operation for series production of large body panels.

June 1: "British Mercedes-Benz Ltd." in London is supplied with its first Mercedes-Benz L 5 diesel truck. Following exhaustive tests by the English magazine "The Commercial Motor" the Royal Automobile Club awards Daimler-Benz the "Dewar Trophy" in September - an annual award for special achievement in the field of truck manufacturing.

July 15: A clean sweep of the podium positions is, once again, the order of the day at the Nürburgring circuit: The Rudolf Caracciola / Christian Werner pairing win the German Grand Prix in a Mercedes-Benz "SS". This is a more powerful version of the "S" with a 7 liter engine which produces 140 hp (200 hp with supercharger). In 1930 this is increased to 160/200 hp.

October 4 - 14: The Mercedes-Benz "Nürburg" 460 (18/80 hp), the first Mercedes-Benz production car with an 8-cylinder in-line engine, is launched at the Paris Motor Show.

November 8-18: The "Stuttgart" 200, a version of the 8/38 hp model revised and further developed by Dr. Hans Nibel, is shown for the first time at the International Automobile and Motorcycle Exhibition in Berlin. From January 1929 it can also be ordered with a 2.6 l engine. A 3.5 liter 14/60 hp variant of the 12/55 hp three liter car is also presented.

December 28: "Österreichische Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft AG", the former DMG subsidiary, merges with "Österreichische Flugzeugfabrik AG" and "Puch-Werke Aktiengesellschaft", based in Graz, Austria, to create "Austro-Daimler-Puch Werke Aktiengesellschaft". Automobile production ceases in 1933. Production starts of the Mercedes-Benz OE diesel tractor unit, which is available until 1935 as a road or agricultural tractor unit. It has a horizontal, water-cooled 1-cylinder diesel engine producing 26 hp at 800 rpm. The price, depending on the version, is between RM 6,000 and RM 8,500.


January 1: Hans Nibel, Chief Engineer at Benz & Cie. from 1908 and active from 1925 as an equal partner alongside Ferdinand Porsche in the design office, assumes sole responsibility as Chief Engineer at Daimler-Benz AG after Porsche's departure from the company at the end of 1928.

April 4: Dr. h.c. Karl Benz dies at the age of 84 in Ladenburg.

August 17: Rudolf Caracciola wins the 410-mile "International Tourist Trophy" in Ireland in a Mercedes-Benz "SS".

October: 3-13: The "Nürburg" 460 (W 08) makes its debut at the Paris Motor Show. The model presented is a revised version with more elegant bodywork and a low frame. The "Mannheim" 350 (W 10), an evolution of the 14/60 hp 3.5 l car of 1928, is also shown for the first time.

November: Daimler-Benz AG is the only German company to be represented at truck exhibitions not only in London but also in Paris.

December 29: Wilhelm Maybach dies in Bad Cannstatt at the age of 83. Exports account for 15% of total turnover. Daimler-Benz AG's truck design offices move to Gaggenau.


July: Technical Manager of the Untertürkheim plant, Dr. Hans Nibel, presents Pope Pius XI with a specially constructed "Nürburg" car.

July 18/19: Rudolf Caracciola wins the Irish Grand Prix and the "Irish Times Trophy" in an "SSK". He covers the 300 mile course at an average speed of 139 km/h. The "SSK" is a further development of the "SS" with a 7 liter engine producing 170 hp without and 225 hp with supercharger.

September: Rudolf Caracciola becomes "European Hill-Climb Champion" in a Mercedes-Benz "SSK".

October 2 - 12: At the Paris Motor Show Daimler-Benz AG presents its biggest, heaviest and most expensive passenger car, the Mercedes-Benz 770 "Super Mercedes" (W 07), with a 7.7 liter, 8-cylinder in-line engine. The world economic crisis begins to take effect, with a quarter of the year's production having to be stockpiled. In a bid to secure jobs, the Sindelfingen plant supplies several thousand car bodies to the firm Wanderer. As a rationalization measure, car production is concentrated in Untertürkheim, truck-manufacture in Gaggenau and body-construction in Sindelfingen. Omnibus bodies are now made out of pure steel - considerably increasing passive safety for passengers.


February: The "Nürburg" is also made available with overdrive transmission and a 5 l engine. This variant later acquires the designation "Nürburg" 500.

March: A newly-founded company - "Société des Diesel Rapides" in Paris - is granted manufacturing rights for Daimler-Benz diesel engines in France.

April 12 - 13: The 1,000 mile race in Brescia, Italy (1,635 km) is won by Rudolf Caracciola and Wilhelm Sebastian in a Mercedes-Benz "SSKL" at an average speed of 101.1 km/h. Caracciola is the first non-Italian winner in the history of the "Mille Miglia" race.

September: Rudolf Caracciola retains his "European Hill-Climb for Sports Cars Championship" crown in a Mercedes-Benz "SSK".

October 1 - 11: At the Paris Motor Show Daimler-Benz AG launches the 170 (W 15). Innovations include independent suspension front and rear. The smallest car yet produced by Daimler-Benz AG, the 170 comes just at the right moment in these times of economic crisis. Launch of the new 2 ton Lo 2000 truck, available either with petrol or diesel engine. This is the world's first series-produced light truck with a diesel engine. The year's deficit is only partly covered by drawing on the company's entire reserve fund of RM 2.3 million and the redemption of ordinary shares worth RM 6.74 million.


May 22: Manfred von Brauchitsch wins the Avus race in Berlin in a Mercedes-Benz "SSKL", setting a world record of 200 km/h for its class. The "SSKL" (short for "Super-Sport-Kurz-Leicht") [super-sport-short-light] represents the latest stage in development of the "S" series. It is only available as a two-seater racer with a 7 liter engine producing 240 hp without and 300 hp with supercharger and giving a top speed of up to 235 km/h. The version used in this Avus race has a streamlined body built by the firm Vetter in Fellbach, and its shape prompts von Brauchitsch to give it the affectionate nickname "The Cucumber". Badly hit by the world economic crisis, production and sales of cars and trucks reach a low point. After taking into account depreciation, losses over the year total some RM 5 million. The size of the workforce shrinks by more than half from 18,281 in 1927 to 9,148. In order to make full use of capacity, all the series-produced bodies for the BMW 3/20 hp are manufactured in the Sindelfingen plant until 1934. Daimler-Benz AG doubles its share of the German car market to 14% and its share of the truck market to 16%.


February 11 - 23: Launch of the new 200 (W 21), 290 (W 18) and 380 (W 22) at the International Automobile and Motorcycle Exhibition in Berlin. The 380 marks the start of the tradition of stylish and elegant cars with 8-cylinder supercharged engines which is later continued by the world-famous 500 K and 540 K. The 380 is the first car with the short arm/long arm suspension system with coil springs which is still used world-wide today.

March: Daimler-Benz AG announces its return to racing in 1934 - the first year in which the weight of formula racing cars is to be restricted to 750 kg. '

March: As a result of an upturn in registrations of new cars and trucks, the workforce expands and short-time working ceases at all factories.

Summer: For the first time in its history, Daimler-Benz AG launches a semi-trailer tractor unit range with its LZ 4000, LZ 6000 and LZ 8000 models designed for four, six and eight ton payloads.

December: Daimler-Benz AG is now Germany's third biggest automotive producer, with an 11% market share.


March 8 - 18: At the Berlin Auto Show two new designs are presented - the 130 - which is the first series-produced rear-engined Mercedes - and the 500 K sports car with an 8-cylinder supercharged engine.

June 3: The era of the "Silver Arrows" begins with the 750 kg racing car developed to comply with the new regulations for Grand Prix racing. In its first race - the Eifel International Race on the Nürburgring - Manfred von Brauchitsch sweeps to victory in record time. Other successes are clocked up in the Coppa Acerbo, Pescara (1st), the Italian Grand Prix, Monza (1st), the Spanish Grand Prix, San Sebastian (1st and 2nd) and on the AVUS circuit where a track record of 311.98 km/h is set.

July 21/22: During the "2,000 Kilometers through Germany" endurance race Mercedes-Benz cars in various categories collect a total of 26 gold, 3 silver and 3 bronze individual and team medals. August 5: Rudolf Caracciola wins the international Klausen Race with the day's best time and also sets a new race record.

October 28: On the Gyon track near Budapest, Rudolf Caracciola sets a series of records in his W 25, including a speed of 317.5 km/h for the kilometer with flying start.

October 30: On the same track Caracciola sets a new world record for the mile with standing start - at an average speed of 188.6 km/h.

December 10: Rudolf Caracciola sets a new speed record for the Avus circuit, recording figures of 311.98 km/h (5 km with flying start). Bohnstedt-Petersen A/S of Hilleröd, Denmark becomes the first plant to assemble cars abroad for Daimler-Benz AG. Daimler-Benz AG now has an annual payroll of some RM 50 million. Production restarts at the Marienfelde plant - manufacturing trucks for on- and off-road use.


January 1: Max Sailer, the former DMG works racing driver, becomes head of the Design Office and Testing department, succeeding Hans Nibel who passed away on November 25, 1934.

February: Launch of the 1.5 liter, 4-cylinder rear-engined sports car developed from the 150 "sports sedan", which had emerged victorious in the 1934 "2,000 Kilometers through Germany" endurance race.

May 10: "Steyr-Daimler-Puch Aktiengesellschaft", based in Steyr, Austria, is created out of the merger of "Austro-Daimler-Puch Werke Aktiengesellschaft" with "Steyr-Werke AG".

Fall: Rudolf Caracciola becomes European and German Champion.

November: The first ten Mercedes-Benz rear-engined cars are assembled in Denmark. On the initiative of Fritz Nallinger, Daimler-Benz AG sets up a separate section for the development of large engines in Untertürkheim (Plant 6, later Plant 60). Introduction of various improvements in the industrial relations sphere, including an extension of the dismissal notice period, longer holiday entitlement and dismissal protection for the severely disabled. Daimler-Benz AG now accounts for almost a third of the total value of German automotive exports. In Stuttgart the 10,000th diesel truck is exhibited. The W 25 Formula 1 racing car notches up the following successes: Monaco Grand Prix, 1st place (April 22) Tripoli Grand Prix, 1st and 3rd place (May 12) International Avus Race, 1st place (May 26) International Eifel Race, 1st place (June 16) French Grand Prix, 1st and 2nd place (June 23) Barcelona Grand Prix, 1st and 2nd place (June 30) Belgian Grand Prix, 1st and 2nd place (July 14) Swiss Grand Prix, 1st and 2nd place (August 25) Spanish Grand Prix, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place (September 22).


February 15 - March 1: The Berlin Auto Show sees the launch of the Mercedes-Benz 170 V (W 136), 170 H (W 28), and the 260 D (W 138) - the first series-produced diesel passenger car in the world. Tributes are also paid to Karl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler on the anniversary of "50 Years of the Automobile ".

March 4: Zeppelin airship LZ 129 "Hindenburg" makes its maiden voyage. With its four Daimler-Benz DB 602 (LOF 6) aero-engines each producing 1,050 hp, it makes three trips to South America and ten scheduled journeys to North America, covering a total distance of 308,000 kilometers.

May 17: After clinching victory at the Monaco Grand Prix on April 13 Rudolf Caracciola also takes the checkered flag at the Tunis Grand Prix, setting an average speed of 160.3 km/h. This is the last Grand Prix victory of the 1936 season for Mercedes-Benz.

October 1 - 11: The Mercedes-Benz 540 K (W 29) with an 8-cylinder supercharged engine is launched at the Paris Motor Show as a successor to the 500 K.

October: Together with a considerable number of truck deals, an agreement is signed with China to set up an assembly operation in Shanghai. 1,800 L 2000 diesel truck chassis are to be supplied by 1938.

November 11: Rudolf Caracciola, driving a specially-designed, fully streamlined car, sets five class records and a world record (10 miles with flying start in 2 hours 53.73 minutes = 333.48 km/h) on the Reichsautobahn between Frankfurt and Darmstadt. Daimler-Benz AG opens its museum of automobile history to the public for the first time. "Daimler-Benz-Motoren GmbH" sets up an aero-engine plant in Genshagen. Following an expansion of capacity, 20,000 car bodies (17,000 of them for the 170 V) leave the Sindelfingen plant over the course of the year. Vehicle and engine exports rise by 43% compared with the previous year.


January: "Panhard & Levassor" in France acquire a license to produce the Mercedes-Benz 170 V.

February 20 - March 7: The 320 (W 142) is presented at the Berlin Auto Show.

Spring/Summer: 30 Volkswagen prototypes (VW 30, the Porsche 60, and a predecessor of the "Kraft durch Freude" car) are produced at the Sindelfingen plant according to a design by Dr. Ferdinand Porsche.

October 1: Wilhelm Kissel is appointed Chairman of the Board. Kissel had been a Board member between 1926 and 1930 and from about 1930 onwards had chaired Board meetings. Following the introduction of new legislation on shareholding on 1.10.1937, he was then formally declared "Chairman of the Board".

Fall: Rudolf Caracciola becomes European Champion for the 1937 racing season.

November 11: Dr. Hermann Wurster, at the helm of a Bayerische Flugmotorenwerke Messerschmitt Bf 109 V 13 powered by a Mercedes-Benz DB 601 Re III aero-engine, sets a new speed record of 601.21 km/h. Production starts of the Mercedes-Benz DB 601 - the first aero-engine with petrol injection. The newly developed W 125 racing car clocks up a series of victories: Tripoli Grand Prix, 1st place (May 9) German Grand Prix, 1st and 2nd places (July 25) Monaco Grand Prix, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places (August 8) Swiss Grand Prix, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th places (August 21) Italian Grand Prix, 1st place (September 12).


January 28: On the Frankfurt - Darmstadt Reichsautobahn Rudolf Caracciola reaches a speed of 432.7 km/h for the kilometer with flying start. This is the fastest speed ever achieved on a normal public road - a record that remains unbeaten to this day.

February 18 - March 6: The 770 "Super Mercedes" (W 150) with a 7.7 liter, 8-cylinder supercharged in-line engine producing 155/230 hp is presented at the International Automobile and Motorcycle Exhibition in Berlin. This completely redesigned model has a tubular frame, front transverse link suspension with coil springs and a De-Dion rear axle (referred to internally as a "parallel wheel axle").

July 24: Richard Seaman wins the German Grand Prix on the Nürburgring circuit at an average speed of 129.8 km/h.

July: Since production first started, more than 40,000 170 V vehicles have been sold.

September: Work starts on the new 1.5 liter racing car (W 165) for the 1939 Tripoli Grand Prix. The vehicle is completed within a mere 8 months.

Fall: Rudolf Caracciola becomes European Champion for the third time in a Mercedes-Benz, repeating his triumphs of 1935 and 1937 and, in so doing, becoming the most successful racing driver of his time. W 154 racing cars constructed according to the new 3 liter formula clock up six victories in nine races: Tripoli Grand Prix, 1st and 2nd places (May 15) French Grand Prix, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places (July 3) German Grand Prix, 1st and 2nd places (July 24) Coppa Ciano, Livorno, 1st place (August 7) Coppa Acerbo, Pescara, 1st place (August 14) Swiss Grand Prix, 1st, 2nd and 3rd places (August 21).


February 8/9/14: On the Reichsautobahn near Dessau Rudolf Caracciola, at the wheel of the 3 liter record car, sets several new records, including, on February 9, 399.6 km/h for the mile with flying start.

April: Captain Fritz Wendel sets an absolute speed record of 755.138 km/h in a Messerschmitt Me 209 fighter plane (plant designation: Bf 109 R) powered by a Daimler-Benz 12-cylinder 601 Re V aero-engine. The record remains unbeaten for the next 30 years.

May 7: Hermann Lang and Rudolf Caracciola occupy the top two places in the first and only race contested by the 1.5 liter W 165 formula racing car in Tripoli.

September: Hermann Lang becomes European Champion and German Hill-Climb Champion and Rudolf Caracciola German Road Champion. The 3 liter W 154 Formula racing car takes five victories from six first class races: First and second places in the Pau Grand Prix, (April 8) first, third and fourth places in the International Eifel Race (May 21) first and third places in the Belgian Grand Prix (June 25) first place in the German Grand Prix (July 23) and first, second and third places in the Swiss Grand Prix (August 20).

November: The city of Stuttgart sells a 6-hectare industrial site in Untertürkheim to Daimler-Benz AG. At the outbreak of the Second World War, the company has twice as many orders on its books as in the previous year and their value, at RM 600 million, is 50% higher than the entire year's turnover.


March 6: On the 40th anniversary of his death, Gottlieb Daimler's former workshop in the summerhouse in Cannstatt is inaugurated as a memorial to the automotive pioneer.

End of March: Daimler-Benz AG converts to wartime production. The 170 V remains in the company's product range and 1,400 units with various different bodies are produced every month. The 3.4 liter W 142 car also continues in limited production. Both these vehicles are supplied to the military as a jeep-type vehicle, and the 170 V also as a 0.3 ton van. In the Untertürkheim plant, the off-road 3 ton LGF 3000 fire tender is manufactured, as well as bodies for trucks, omnibuses and special vehicles.

April 23: Fritz Nallinger, as Technical Manager responsible for design, development and production of heavy-duty engines from 1935, is appointed to the Board of Management and assumes the tasks of Chief Engineer after Max Sailer is taken ill.

September 1 - 8: Daimler-Benz AG is the only exhibitor of passenger cars at the Vienna Autumn Fair.

Fall: In view of the worsening situation regarding fuel supplies, the design department starts working on coal generators - a development which is successfully completed by the end of 1942 with the construction of 50 generators.

November: The AGM decides to increase the company's share capital from RM 39.15 million to RM 50.2 million.

Winter: Dr. Wilhelm Kissel opens negotiations with the city of Stuttgart about expanding the Untertürkheim plant on the Wasen site. The result is the acquisition of a 34,000 square meter site. Since production of the Mercedes-Benz 170 V (W 136) first started in 1935, a total of almost 100,000 vehicles have been sold. An application is filed to close Mercedesstraße to public traffic.


January: A third of vehicle construction capacity is taken up with manufacturing spare parts.

May 9/10: First aerial bombardment of the Untertürkheim plant. Italy, Hungary and Romania start to construct aero-engines under license from Daimler-Benz, with parts being supplied from the Untertürkheim plant. An issue of new shares to the value of RM 25 million, combined with a subsequent capital adjustment, results in an overall increase in the company's equity capital of some 80% by January 1, 1942.

Summer: A decree by the "Plenipotentiary for Motor Transport" results in Daimler-Benz's capacity to produce vehicles for the military being considerably reduced in favor of other, higher priority, products. Now only 1,610 1.7 liter cars, 50 3.4 liter cars and 270 3 ton trucks may be produced per quarter. The aim of this measure is to release further employees for priority manufacturing activities to aid the war effort. Summer: In the summer of 1941 the workforce is employed in the following areas of production: Plant 60 (engine construction, Untertürkheim): aero-engines: 1,234 staff marine engines: 1,270 aero-engine repairs: 155 Plant 10 (Mettingen): aero-engine parts: 1,337 staff torpedoes: 128 searchlight engines: 350 vehicles: 1,289 At the end of 1941 Daimler-Benz AG starts to develop air-cooled truck engines.


March: The new 4% Daimler-Benz bonds with a nominal value of RM 40 million have a life of 25 years. '

Summer: The working week is extended to 52 hours in order to compensate for a lack of workers.

July: In order to consolidate the company's operating resources, the AGM decides on a further capital increase of up to 30 million RM.

July 18: Chairman of the Board Dr. Wilhelm Kissel dies unexpectedly. On August 23 Dr. Wilhelm Haspel, a member of the Sindelfingen plant management since 1927, becomes his successor.

Fall: Vehicle production at the Untertürkheim plant ceases.

August: On the instructions of Reichsminister Speer, Daimler-Benz AG signs a licensing agreement for production of the 3 ton Opel "Blitz" standard truck. The 3 ton truck which the company had manufactured hitherto therefore goes out of production. Manufacture of the new truck starts with effect from the summer of 1944.

December 11: The long-serving Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Dr. Emil Georg von Stauss, dies. He is succeeded by Hans Rummel of Deutsche Bank.

End of year: Development of a coal-burning generator for powering trucks and cars is completed, and 50 3.4 liter vehicles are equipped with the new device. The Head of the "Reich Headquarters for Generators" instructs Daimler-Benz to produce 2,000 such generators per month from April 1, 1943 onwards.


June 8: Daimler-Benz AG issues further ordinary shares to a value of RM 30 million and increases the company's equity capital to RM 120 million. The shares, which will yield dividends from January 1, 1943, are offered to holders of old shares at a ratio of RM 3,000 old to RM 1,000 new at a rate of 130%. The AGM which follows approves a dividend of 6% on RM 90 million.

September 17: Daimler-Benz AG launches a wood gas generator for 170 V cars which only weighs 70 kg, costs RM 800, can be installed in one day and enables the car to drive 100 to 130 kilometers on one load of 24 kg charcoal.

November 26: The Untertürkheim plant is the target of a British night-time air raid. By the end of October the company management calculates that damage worth RM 70 million has been caused by aerial bombardments. Efforts to evacuate the company increase, following Dr. Haspel's instructions to this effect. Thus, during the course of the year, the book-keeping and central and general accounting departments are evacuated, as is most of the company's inventory.


May 5: Bertha Benz dies at the age of 94 in Ladenburg.

Late summer: The Sindelfingen plant delivers the first tail units for the "A 4 device" developed by Wernher von Braun, following the start of preparations for their manufacture in November 1943. The 7.5 meter long components with a diameter of 1.6 m consist of a steel skeleton covered in high temperature resistant steel sheeting. The world's biggest rocket - also called the "V 2" - provided the basis for rocket development during the post-war period in both East and West and can be seen as the precursor to today's carrier rockets.

September 5: The largest scale air raids yet experienced by Untertürkheim cause damage worth RM 30.2 million and destroy some 70% of the plant. The figures for Mannheim and Gaggenau are 20% and 80% respectively.

September 10 and 13: In the course of daylight air raids some 80% of the buildings and 52.5% of the plant and machinery is destroyed at Sindelfingen. A total of 2,000 explosive and fire bombs hit the plant. In order to protect machinery and tools from the ongoing raids on Untertürkheim, they are evacuated to a total of 400 different locations, including other factories. Large machines and components are stored in a road tunnel near Wiesensteig. By the end of 1944 the number of foreign workers employed both forcibly and voluntarily in Daimler-Benz AG factories reaches a peak of some 27,000. To this must be added some 3,000 prisoners of war and concentration camp detainees.


March 23: The Mannheim plant is the first company facility to be occupied by American troops.

April 9: The Gaggenau plant is occupied by French troops.

April 20: The Untertürkheim plant is shut down and three days later is occupied by French troops.

April 24/25: The Berlin-Marienfelde plant is occupied by Red Army troops overnight. Any machines still in the plant are confiscated and dismantled from the beginning of May onwards.

May 20: The Untertürkheim plant is provisionally reopened. 1,240 blue and white-collar employees begin the task of reconstruction.

June: Production restarts of the L 701 3 ton truck (the Opel "Blitz" under license), manufacture of which had commenced just prior to the bombing raids.

August: The American military government instructs Dr. Haspel to prepare for production of sedan car models.

August: Production of the L 4500 truck restarts in Gaggenau (total production in 1945: 290 units).

Summer: A number of engineers from the Daimler-Benz aero-engine development department join up with an agricultural expert to form a working group aimed at developing an all-purpose vehicle (UNIMOG=Universal-Motor-Gerät).

October 26: On the instructions of the American military government, Wilhelm Haspel is dismissed as Chairman of the Board.

November: Daimler-Benz is granted permission by the Allies to produce the Mercedes-Benz 170 V (W 136 I) in pickup, van and ambulance versions. In the Untertürkheim plant a repair workshop for American military vehicles is set up.


Januar: Manufacture of gas generators for passenger cars begins at the Sindelfingen plant. 765 units have been produced by August 1948.

22. Februar 22: The first car engine to be built since the end of the war - a 1.7 liter, 4-cylinder unit for the 170 V - is completed in Untertürkheim.

28. Mars: The Workers' Council (set up at the end of May 1945) develops into a Works Council with 9 - later 19 - members.

Mai: Post-war production at Daimler-Benz AG commences, with assembly of the first 170 V (W 136 I) pickup, van and ambulance versions. A total of 214 units are manufactured in 1946.

Desember: The company's entire vehicle and engine sales operations are put under central management in Untertürkheim. Hitherto there had been a large degree of autonomy of factories in the various product sectors and each had managed its own purchasing and sales operations. A major repair facility for the US Army is set up in Waiblingen.


May: A works agreement is signed governing the relationship between the Works Council and plant and central management.

July: Series production is resumed of the Mercedes-Benz 170 V (W 136 I) as a four-door sedan.

August: The first 15 apprentices from Daimler-Benz AG spend two weeks in the new young people's holiday center at Haus Lämmerbuckel.

Fall: Daimler-Benz AG once again participates in export exhibitions - in Hanover and Stuttgart-Hedelfingen.

October: Completion of the 1,000th car since the war ended.

December: In Berlin-Marienfelde two production facilities and two administrative buildings are restored and manufacture of spare parts begins, creating 550 jobs.


January 1: Dr. Wilhelm Haspel takes over again as head of Daimler-Benz AG following his release by a denazification court.

April: The Sindelfingen plant starts to produce the O 4500 omnibus, which had already been manufactured between 1943 and 1945 at the Gaggenau plant.

May: Research and development work at Daimler-Benz AG restarts, after having been interrupted at the end of the war.

June: 1,508 apprentices are now in training for technical trades and 69 for commercial professions.

July 2: A 48-hour working week is written into the "Interim Rules of Procedure for Business of Daimler-Benz AG".

August 29 - September 5: At the first agricultural exhibition to be held since the end of the war and the currency reform, in Frankfurt, the Unimog (Universal-Motor-Gerät) is presented to the public. August: From January 1946 to August 1948 the Sindelfingen plant produces a total of 765 gas generators for cars.

Fall: Rudolf Caracciola celebrates 25 years as a racing driver for Daimler-Benz AG.


February: For the first time since the war, production figures of 1,000 passenger cars per month are achieved.

March: Maschinenfabrik Boehringer in Göppingen delivers the first series-produced Unimog vehicles. By 1951 a total of 600 such vehicles have been produced by the company.

May 20 - 30: Launch of the Mercedes-Benz 170 S and 170 D at the Technical Export Fair in Hanover. At the same time the new L 3250 truck and O 3250 bus are presented - heralding a new era in commercial vehicle manufacture.

October 4: An import company for Daimler-Benz products is set up in Zurich, with Daimler-Benz AG as a share-holder.

November 1: The US Army takes over the plants in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Esslingen and Böblingen. The relevant contracts for Esslingen, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Waiblingen and Böblingen are cancelled on March 2, 1950.

December 24: The first bus is produced in Mannheim - an O 3500. The Mannheim plant has now taken over part of the bus manufacturing operations from Sindelfingen. The export turnover of Daimler-Benz AG reaches DM 6.1 million (previous year: DM 2.0 million). Gradual introduction of new production methods based on the assembly-line system.


January: The L 3250 truck is given a heavier payload and renamed the L 3500.

May : Start of production of the improved Mercedes-Benz 170 Va (W 136 VI) and 170 Da (W 136 VI D) cars.

July: Production of the O 6600 Mercedes-Benz omnibus in Gaggenau begins.

July 31: Mercedes-Benz Argentina S.A. is founded in Buenos Aires.

October: The 50,000th Mercedes-Benz car in the 170 series to be produced since the end of the war rolls off the Sindelfingen assembly line.

October: Launch of the first newly-developed heavy-duty truck since the war - the L 6600. The first reconstruction phase is now over. 80% of the Untertürkheim plant and 97% of the Mannheim and Gaggenau plants has been reconstructed since the bombing raids of 1943. The Sindelfingen plant is expanded by 51%. Daimler-Benz AG export turnover skyrockets to DM 66.6 million. 28 % of export sales revenue is generated in Sweden. Daimler-Benz's first major post-war export deal involves supplying 1,000 CKD (completely knocked down) truck chassis to Brazil. Two-shift operation starts at the Sindelfingen plant 700 new workers are taken on.


January 23: Béla Barényi's patent for the safety occupant cell is registered as No. 854 157. His invention remains today the basis for passive safety in automobile construction.

February 18 and 24: Daimler-Benz enters three pre-war W 154 racing cars for the "Premio Presidente de la Nacion Juan D. Peron" race in Argentina. The victory proves elusive, partly because two of the vehicles suffer tire damage. Hermann Lang finishes in 2nd place, with Juan Manuel Fangio coming in 3rd and Karl Kling 6th.

March: The introduction of the O 6600 H marks the complete separation of bus and truck chassis construction.

April 19 - 29: At the Frankfurt Motor Show the 6-cylinder Mercedes-Benz 220 (W 187) and 300 (W 186 II) are launched. The 300, which is the biggest and fastest series-produced car manufactured in Germany, is later referred to popularly as the "Adenauer", on account of the fact that leading figures in politics and industry - including the first Federal Chancellor - choose the 300 as their chauffeur-driven limousine.

May: The Gaggenau plant takes over production of the Unimog from Maschinenfabrik Gebr. Boehringer in Göppingen.

October 4 - 14: Presentation of the 300 S, a two-door sports version of the 300, at the Paris Motor Show. Daimler-Benz receives an order for 350 Mercedes-Benz O 6600 T trolley-buses from Argentina. Daimler-Benz AG exports to 65 countries in Europe and overseas. Export turnover comes to DM 159.6 million.


6. januar: Wilhelm Haspel dør. Heinrich C. Wagner utnevnes til ny styreleder.

Januar: Daimler-Benz AG gains a foothold in the North American market by signing an agency agreement with Maximilian Hoffman for annual sales of 253 cars.

Februar: Daimler-Benz employees gain the opportunity to buy a brand new Mercedes-Benz passenger car every year at a special discount. This signals the start of business in cars bought under the company purchase plan.

Mars: The 100,000th Mercedes 170 (W 136) built since post-war production began leaves the assembly line in Sindelfingen.

12. mars: The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL (W 194) with a 3 liter carburetor engine is presented as a racing car prototype.

Mai: The successful 170 V and 170 D series receive their final modifications in the form of the 170 Vb and 170 Db.

15. juni: Hermann Lang and Fritz Rieß win the Le-Mans 24-hour race in a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL.

3 august: The Mercedes-Benz 300 SL secures a one-two-three in the Jubilee Grand Prix for sports cars on the Nürburgring: First is Hermann Lang, second Karl Kling, and third Fritz Rieß.

19.-23. november: Karl Kling and his co-driver Hans Klenk drive a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL to victory in the third "Carrera Panamericana Mexico" race.

19. desember: Karl Maybach går av som styreformann i Maybach Motorenbau på grunn av høy alder. Han erstattes 1. januar 1953 av Jean Raebel

Desember: The "Securitas" relief fund is founded. Daimler-Benz AG injects DM 6.7 million into the fund in the first year.

Desember: Exports to over 80 countries in Europe and overseas reach a value of some DM 226 million - an increase of 45% on the previous year.


1. januar: Jean Raebel tiltrår som styreformann i Maybach Motorenbau. En possisjon han beholder til 1967.

15. januar: Death of Heinrich C. Wagner. He is succeeded by Dr. Fritz Könecke as Chairman of the Board.

August: A Company Works Council is formed in Untertürkheim out of members from the individual plants and branches.

September: The first Unimog 25 hp (401/402 series) with a completely enclosed all-steel drivers cab is produced, thus extending the potential market for this vehicle to include industrial and commercial use.

9. september: The Mercedes-Benz 180 (W 120) - the first Mercedes-Benz car with a unitized, all-enveloping body design - is presented. It is to replace the 170 Sb. At the same time the modified 170 S-V and 170 S-D are introduced to replace the 170 Vb and 170 Db.

23. oktober: "Mercedes-Benz do Brasil S.A." blir opprettet, med en plan om å produsere busser og lastebiler.

Årsslutt: Daimler-Benz AG, er ved årsslutt den største eksportøren av biler og lastebilder i Tyskland. Verdien av eksporten i 1953 er 244 millioner DM. DBAG signere en lisensavtale med FIAT i Italia om lisensproduksjon av MB 820 (12 sylindre V motor, 1,000 Hk) og MB 836 (6 sylindre, rekkemotor, 500 Hk) dieselmotorer.


6. - 14. februar: The 190 SL and 300 SL sports car models are presented at the International Motor Sports Show in New York. The 215 hp 3 liter engine featured in the 300 SL is fitted with a Bosch fuel injection system - the first time the petrol injection system has been used in a production vehicle with a four-stroke engine.

Februar: The new 2.5 liter W 196 Formula 1 racing car is completed. The new Daimler-Benz racing team consists of Juan Manuel Fangio, Karl Kling, Hans Herrmann and Hermann Lang.

Februar: Price-reductions are introduced for the 170 S-V, 170 S-D and 180. The 180 now costs DM 9,450 compared with the previous price of DM 9,950.

Mars: The launch of the new 6-cylinder model 220 a (W 180) marks the introduction of the single-joint swing axle in passenger car construction.

Mars: The "Securitas" relief fund set up in December 1952 is renamed "Daimler-Benz Unterstützungskasse GmbH".

Mars: The Indian company "Tata Engineering and Locomotive Comp., Ltd." (Telco) and Daimler-Benz AG sign an agreement covering cooperation in sales and the building of an assembly plant in Jamshedpur (India). Daimler-Benz AG acquires a share of approx. 12.5% in Telco.

4. juli: Start of Daimler-Benz AG's involvement in Formula 1 racing. In its first competition, the French Grand Prix in Reims, the new W 196 streamlined racing car fills the top two positions. Juan Manuel Fangio takes the checkered flag, followed by Karl Kling in second place.

August: Series production of the 300 SL (W 198) sports car with fuel injection engine begins.

September: The 50,000th truck built since production began in July 1949 is assembled in Mannheim.

September: The 50,000th visitor since the reopening in 1951 is welcomed to the Daimler-Benz Museum.

Oktober: The start of production of the O 321 with its semi-integral construction marks a fundamental change in omnibus manufacture.

Desember: Stirling Moss signs a contract with Daimler-Benz AG for the 1955 racing season. The traditional commercial vehicle and omnibus type designation based on the payload in kilograms is replaced by a three-figure model designation (e.g. the LA 3500 becomes the LA 311). The OM 312 A represents Daimler-Benz's first supercharged engine for a fire tender. Juan Manuel Fangio becomes Formula 1 World Champion.


7. April: "Daimler-Benz of North America Inc." is founded in the US state of Delaware.

Mai: The first Unimog S, a light-weight all-terrain vehicle in the 1.5 ton category with an 82 hp carburetor engine, rolls off the assembly line in Gaggenau.

Mai: The Mercedes-Benz 190 SL (W 121) goes into series production.

1. juni: "I.M.A. S.A.", the Daimler-Benz general distributor for Belgium, opens an assembly plant for passenger cars in Malines, near Brussels. Initially the new plant handles assembly of the 180 D.

Vår: Share prices rise by almost 90%. Stock-exchange circles attribute this to purchases made by the Flick Group.

Vår: The Mannheim plant has now become Europe's biggest omnibus plant.

18. juli: Chairman of the Supervisory Board Hans Rummel resigns and is replaced by Hermann J. Abs.

22. september - 2. oktober: At the Frankfurt Motor Show Daimler-Benz presents the L 319, the first post-war Mercedes-Benz van. The launch of the 300 Sc, a further development of the 300 S, represents an extension of petrol injection technology in production vehicles.

Høst: Mercedes-Benz wins the Formula 1 World Drivers' Championship and the Constructors' World Championship with the 300 SLR sports car. Werner Engel wins the European Touring Car Championship in a 300 SL and 220 a.

22. oktober: Daimler-Benz AG announces its decision to suspend its involvement in motor racing for the next few years.

November: An assembly plant for the 180 D is officially opened by the Daimler-Benz general distributor "Universal Motors Corporation" in the Philippine capital, Manila.

November: Following political unrest, "Mercedes-Benz Argentina S.A." is seized by the authorities.

1. desember: After sixteen months in production the 1,000th 300 SL car rolls off the assembly line at Sindelfingen. The export percentage of cars of this model is unusually high at 930 units. The controlling company of the Flick Group announces for the first time at the AGM that it now holds a 25% share of Daimler-Benz's equity capital.


4. mai: The first 563 vehicles of the new 190 (W 121), 219 (W 105) and 220 S (W 180 II) passenger car model series leave the Sindelfingen plant and are driven to the company's subsidiaries and dealerships, where they are presented to the public the next day.

25. juni: Friedrich Flick becomes First Deputy Chairman and Herbert Quandt Second Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Together with Hermann J. Abs they form the Supervisory Board Presidium.

Juli: Series production of the 220 S cabriolet (W 180) begins. Three months later the coupe version also becomes available.

28. september: Official opening of the Brazilian Sao Bernardo do Campo plant.

September: Production starts of the L 319, available as a small van or a pickup, and the O 319 mini bus.

1. oktober: The standard working week as fixed by collective agreement for workers in metal-processing industries is set at 45 hours.

Fall: The test circuit at the Untertürkheim plant is ready for use. The rally team of Walter Schock and Rolf Moll wins the European Touring Car Championship in a 220 and a 300 SL. The newly established sport department under Karl Kling takes on the task of providing support for private Mercedes-Benz cars at sporting events. Daimler-Benz AG resumes research activities in the field of aero-engines. Daimler-Benz AG now exports to 127 different countries via a network of 183 general and 1,200 sub-representatives.


March: The workforce at Daimler-Benz AG reaches the 50,000 mark for the first time.

March 14 - 24: Launch of the Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster (W 198 II) at the Geneva Motor Show as the successor to the famous gull-wing coupe.

April 11: An agreement between Daimler-Benz AG and Curtiss-Wright means that Studebaker-Packard is now responsible for distributing Mercedes-Benz cars and diesel engines in the USA.

June: Production of the Mercedes-Benz L 321 starts at the Mannheim plant. This new model has a 5.5 ton payload and is available either as a conventional or a COE (cabin over engine) truck in pickup, tipper, semi-trailer and four-wheel drive versions.

June: Half of Daimler-Benz AG's share capital is now in the hands of Flick and Quandt.

August 7: Launch of an improved passenger car range. The most important innovations are in the 300 d (W 189) with a modernized body and injection engine, the 180 a (W 120), with a 65 hp, 1.9 liter engine, the 219 and 220 S with more powerful engines and the "Hydrak" hydraulic automatic clutch available as an option. In addition to these improved cars, the new O 317 bus with an underfloor engine and room for up to 120 passengers is also presented.

November: The 20,000th Unimog Diesel is delivered. If the Unimog S is included, a total of 25,000 vehicles of this type have now been produced. Paul O'Shea wins the American Sports Car Championship for the third time in a Mercedes-Benz 300 SL. The 100,000th medium-weight diesel truck to be produced since the end of the war rolls off the assembly line in Mannheim - a German truck production record. The L/LP 326 heavy-duty truck is Daimler-Benz AG's first commercial vehicle with a 200 hp engine (OM 326) and represents a response to demands for increased performance. Every other newly-registered truck over 3 tons on German roads is now a Daimler-Benz product.


April 1: Daimler-Benz purchases an 88% share in the equity capital of Auto Union GmbH, Ingolstadt/Düsseldorf [later to become Audi].

May: Production starts of the Mercedes-Benz O 317 omnibus at the Mannheim plant and of the Mercedes-Benz LP 333 in Gaggenau. This vehicle, dubbed the "millipede", has two steered front axles as permitted by the new registration regulations.

May: For the first time in the history of Daimler-Benz AG, company turnover exceeds DM 2 billion.

May: Completion of the new high-rise administration block in Untertürkheim.

July 2: The wedge-pin door lock with two security notches is registered as a patent. The innovative construction detail, which stops the door flying open or getting stuck in the event of an accident, is introduced into the product range in August 1959.

July 30: "Mercedes-Benz Australia Pty. Ltd." is founded in Port Melbourne.

August: The recently founded Studebaker subsidiary "Mercedes-Benz Sales, Inc." (MBS), located in South Bend, Indiana, takes over responsibility for sales of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars in the USA.

September 1: Launch of the 220 SE (W 128) with fuel injection engine. This long-established technology for improving engine performance is thus now available in series production. The additional cost compared with a 220 S fitted with a normal carburetor engine is DM 1,900. At the same time the 190 D (W 121) is launched - a further addition to the diesel car model range - with a 50 hp, 4-cylinder engine.

September: The 100,000th 180 D diesel car is produced at the Sindelfingen plant less than five years after production began.

October: Production at MB do Brasil, with a workforce of over 5,000 one of the country's biggest private companies, is now 60 vehicles per month.

November: Annual production at Tata Engineering and Locomotive Comp. is now 6,000 units. Within some ten years, Daimler-Benz AG has invested DM 892 million, including DM 215 million in real estate and DM 477 million in movable property. The proportion of total company turnover derived from exports has now risen to 44.9% (previous year's figure: 41.6%). Exports go to 136 different countries with a total of more than 2,000 sales and customer service operations.


January: Introduction of the 44-hour week in all plants and branches.

January 8 - February 20: The Rallye Mediteranée-Le Cap (length 14,045 km) ends with a surprise victory in the overall classification for Kling/Günzler in a Mercedes-Benz 219.

March 27 - 31: The Fritschy/Ellis driver pairing takes victory in the overall classification of the East African Rally in a Mercedes-Benz 219.

March: Capacity in Untertürkheim and Sindelfingen is increased to a monthly output of 10,000 cars.

March: Daimler-Benz AG launches the new L/LP 322 and L/LP 337 basic truck models. This marks the start of the replacement process of the traditional truck by new short-hood and COE designs. To increase active safety, the driver's cab is equipped with rubber mountings at the front and transverse leaf springs and shock-absorbers at the back.

March: The first Mercedes-Benz car assembled in Australia, a 220 S, rolls off the assembly line at the Melbourne plant of "Mercedes-Benz Australia Pty. Ltd.".

March: Daimler-Benz AG plans involvement in the reorganization of BMW, with the Bavarian company retaining its independence and the BMW brand.

March: The 190 D wins an American fuel economy competition over a distance of 5,122 miles. The cost per mile is 6 tenths of a Cent.

August 11: Daimler-Benz AG launches the new 6-cylinder 220, 220 S and 220 SE with tail fins. These vehicles are the first series-produced cars to be constructed with the safety cell originally developed by Béla Barényi. The series enables Daimler-Benz to become market-leader in the mid-range passenger car sector.

September: Systematic crash-testing starts at Sindelfingen. Initially the tests take place in the open air.

December 9: The proposal for Daimler-Benz AG to acquire a stake in BMW is rejected at the BMW AGM.

December 31: Daimler-Benz AG acquires the remaining shares in Auto Union GmbH.

December: In Gaggenau the 7,000th employee is taken on. The total export turnover of Daimler-Benz AG exceeds the one billion mark for the first time. Passenger car deliveries to the USA are 5,320 units up on the previous year at 12,968 vehicles. The Flick Group now owns 38%, the Quandt Group 13%, and Deutsche Bank 28% of Daimler-Benz shares.


January 18 - 25: The privately entered 220 SE of the Schock/Moll driver pairing brings Germany its first overall victory in the Monte Carlo Rally during the course of the year Mercedes-Benz cars record a total of 117 rally victories.

April: The 10,000th O 321 H/H-L series omnibus rolls off the assembly line.

April: The Untertürkheim and Sindelfingen plants see a further increase in capacity to some 11,000 vehicles a month.

April: A 1.5 million square meter industrial site is purchased in Wörth, near the city of Karlsruhe in south-west Germany.

August 10: Daimler-Benz acquires a majority stake in "Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH" Friedrichshafen via its subsidiary "Industriemotorenbau GmbH". The companies agree to cooperation in the development and production of high-speed heavy-duty engines.

Fall: Schock and Moll win the European Rally Championship in a Mercedes-Benz 220 SE.

October 1: The Horex KG plant in Bad Homburg is taken over by Daimler-Benz to be used for the production of engine timing components. Production consisting mainly of valves is to begin in early 1961.

November 17: Dr. Fritz Könecke, Chairman of the Board of Management, asks to be released prematurely from his contract by the end of the year for personal reasons.

December 16: The 200,000th truck produced in Mannheim since the war rolls off the plant assembly line.

December 17: Dr. Könecke presents a stretched version 300 d landaulet to Pope John XXIII.


February 10: Walter Hitzinger, a graduate engineer, is elected Chairman of the Board of Management.

February 25: The new Daimler-Benz Museum is officially opened in the Stuttgart-Untertürkeim plant and the 111 series 220 SE coupe is presented to celebrate "75 years of motorized transport".

May: The 50,000th Mercedes-Benz Unimog rolls off the Gaggenau assembly line.

May: Since 1949, Daimler-Benz has produced 300,000 trucks.

May 31: The supervisory board of Auto Union [later to become Audi] decides that their entire production should be concentrated at the Ingolstadt plant. Daimler-Benz takes out a lease on the Düsseldorf plant. By the end of the year, production gets underway of the L 319 van and the OM 636 diesel engine as does manufacturing of steering gear and shift linkages.

September 21 - October 1: The 190 and 190 D (W 110) models, the 220 SE cabriolet (W 111), the 300 SE (W 112) and the MB 833 and MB 838 engine series are presented at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt.

October: A license agreement is signed by the NSU company and Daimler-Benz AG, covering the production of engines built according to the Wankel principle.

October 26 - November 5: The Schock and Schiek driver pairing wins the Argentinean Touring Car Grand Prix in a 220 SE. Production begins of the newly-developed Daimler-Benz automatic transmission at the Untertürkheim sub-plant in Hedelfingen.


January 1: The length of the working week is cut to 42.5 hours.

January: Construction begins of the Wörth plant on the banks of the Rhine, where production of commercial vehicles will take place.

Beginning of the year: "Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH", in which Daimler-Benz has a 71% holding, takes over the license to manufacture the MB 836/MB 820, MB 835/MB 839 and MB 518 heavy-duty engines.

March 15 - 25: The 300 SE coupe and cabriolet (W 112) models are presented at the Geneva Motor Show. As with the sedan they are based on, both are fitted with air suspension, automatic transmission and four disc brakes as standard.

July 12: The training center at Lämmerbuckel, near Wiesensteig is opened.

July: The Unimog U 65 (406 series) is presented.

Fall: The Böhringer/Lang/Eger driver team win the European Rally Championship in a Mercedes-Benz 220 SE.

Fall: The lease on the former cotton mill at Brühl, near Esslingen is taken over and passenger car assembly reconditioning starts on the site.

September: The one-millionth post-war Mercedes-Benz car, a 220 SE model, rolls off the Sindelfingen assembly line.

October 25 - November 4: Ewy Rosqvist and her co-driver Ursula Wirth win the Argentinean Touring Car Grand Prix in a Mercedes-Benz 220 SE.


January 19 - 26: Ewy Rosqvist and Ursula Wirth win the "Coupe des Dames" at the Monte Carlo Rally, driving a Mercedes-Benz 220 SE.

March 13 - 23: The 230 SL (W 113) with trademark pagoda roof presented at the Geneva Motor Show replaces the 300 SL and 190 SL sports car models. This is the first sports car to be built with a safety body shell developed by Béla Barényi. Another newcomer making its debut at the Geneva Motor Show is the longer version of the 300 SE, featuring a 10 cm longer wheelbase which offers the rear passengers even more generous room and lays the foundations for the enduring tradition of the S-Class long wheelbase sedan.

April 29 - May 11: Production at Untertürkheim, Mannheim, Gaggenau and Sindelfingen - the four original plants in the south of Germany - comes to a standstill for four weeks as a wage dispute in the metal-working industry takes effect.

May 16 - 19: Böhringer and Knoll drive their Mercedes-Benz 300 SE to victory in the Akropolis Rally.

July 4 - 7: Böhringer and Kaiser triumph in the German Rally driving a Mercedes-Benz 300 SE, with second place going to the Glemser/Braungart driver team in a Mercedes-Benz 220 SE.

July 31 - August 4: Glemser and Braungart drive their Mercedes-Benz 220 SE to victory in the Polish Rally.

August 27 - 31: Böhringer and Kaiser win the Liège-Sofia-Liège Rally in their Mercedes-Benz 230 SL.

August: The newly-established subsidiary "Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH", founded in July in Friedrichshafen-Manzell, takes over production of the MB 833,MB 837 and MB 839 heavy-duty engines from Untertürkheim.

August: From now on, the 190 c, 190 Dc and 220 b models are produced with an improved braking system fitted as standard. The dual-circuit brake system with brake booster and front disc brake are now considered basic equipment for Mercedes-Benz cars.

September 12 - 22: Mercedes-Benz is represented by a new model at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt, the 600 (W 100) or "Grand Mercedes" as it was known. The new top-of-the-range model, fitted with a wide variety of special technical equipment as standard, is available as a 5-6 seat sedan or as a 7-8 seat Pullman limousine. Series production of both variants begins in September 1964. In addition to the 600, Daimler-Benz also presents the LP 1620. This COE truck, a member of the new generation of heavy-duty commercial vehicles, stands out with its pioneering "cubic" driver cab.

October: At the Wörth plant, which is still under construction, a total of 100 employees begin work on body shell assembly for truck cabs.

October 23 - November 2: Mercedes-Benz teams occupy the first four places at the Argentinean Touring Car Grand Prix: The race is won by Böhringer and Kaiser in a 300 SE, followed by the 300 SE of Glemser and Braungart in second place. Rosqvist and Wirth take third place in a 220 SE and Bordeu and Winter complete the run, finishing fourth in their 300 SE.


January 1: The working week is shortened again, this time to 41.25 hours.

March: Diesel engines for commercial vehicles are converted from prechamber injection to direct injection units, significantly reducing fuel consumption and increasing mileage.

September: Production and delivery of the 600 (W 100) model begins. The Pullman model, with six doors and vis-a-vis rear seat system, is unveiled.

November 7: The Böhringer/Kaiser team add the Argentinean Touring Car Grand Prix to their long list of victories. Turn of the year 1964-65: Volkswagen AG succeeds Daimler-Benz AG as the majority shareholder in Auto Union. The Düsseldorf plant, previously leased from Auto Union, is acquired by Industriemotorenbau GmbH, a subsidiary of Daimler-Benz, and leased to its parent company.


January 1: After the distributor contract with Studebaker-Packard is terminated, responsibility for sales of all Daimler-Benz products in the USA is taken over by "Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. (MBNA)".

March: Production begins in Mannheim of the Mercedes-Benz O 302 bus.

April 8: The 500,000th post-war diesel powered car rolls off the assembly line at Sindelfingen.

July: "Kraftfahrzeug- und Industriemotoren-Bau GmbH", a subsidiary of Daimler-Benz, acquires a majority holding in "Maschinenfabrik Esslingen" (ME).

July 14: The first truck to be produced at the Wörth plant leaves the assembly line.

September 7: The introduction of the 250 S, 250 SE and 300 SE (W 108) provides confirmation of the fully independent status accorded to the prestige model series, which has been set apart stylistically from the mid-range model series.

September 10: A Daimler-Benz AG delegation, led by Dr. Hermann J. Abs, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, presents Pope Paul VI with a special version of the Mercedes-Benz 600 Pullman Landaulet. The LP 810, LP 1013 and LP 1213 trucks from Daimler-Benz constitute an all-new COE truck model series. The engine is fitted not in the driver cab as before, but instead "under the floor", leading to better sound and heat insulation as well as increasing the amount of available space.

October 1: Dr. Joachim Zahn, a member of the Board of Management since October 1, 1958, is appointed to the position of spokesman for the Board.

December 31: Prof. Fritz Nallinger takes retirement after 43 years of active contribution to Daimler-Benz AG, 25 of them spent on the Board of Management. His successor is Prof. Hans Scherenberg, who takes over responsibility for all areas of product development. Daimler-Benz AG becomes the biggest manufacturer of commercial vehicles in the European Community.


January 1: At the Mercedes-Benz general distributor in Lagos, the capital of the African state of Nigeria, 20 young Nigerians complete their training as motor vehicle fitters. The training course is carried out in accordance with Daimler-Benz guidelines.

March 8: Daimler-Benz acquires a 26.7% holding in "United Car and Diesel Distributors (Pty.) Ltd." (UCDD), Pretoria, South Africa. A long-serving Daimler-Benz general distributor for South Africa, the company manufactures, among other products, Mercedes-Benz vehicles from CKD parts kits through its wholly-owned subsidiary "Car Distributors Assembly Ltd." (CDA), based in East London.

March: Production begins of the 300 SEL (W 109), which differs from the 300 SE (W 108) by virtue of its standard air suspension and 10 cm longer wheelbase.

March: The Düsseldorf plant produces its 100,000th power steering unit.

May: The 100,000th Unimog is delivered: Member of the Board of Management Rolf Staelin presents the vehicle to the Landwirtschaftliche Hochschule [Agricultural College] Hohenheim as a donation.

May: The 100,000th automatic gearbox is produced at the Hedelfingen sub-plant.

June 25: "Deutsche Automobilgesellschaft GmbH" is founded in Hanover as a research and development company operated jointly by Daimler-Benz AG and Volkswagenwerk AG.

October 28: "Maybach-Motorenbau GmbH" and "Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH" merge, creating "Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH" based in Friedrichshafen-Manzell. Daimler-Benz has an 83% holding.

December 3: Daimler-Benz AG has a 36% holding in the newly-founded company "Otobüs ve Motorlu Araclar Sanayi A.S." (OTOMARSAN), based in Istanbul, Turkey. In mid-1968 the company takes up parts manufacture for and assembly of O 302 buses.

End of the year: Daimler-Benz acquires a majority stake in "Württembergische Baumwollspinnerei und -Weberei" through its subsidiary "Kraftfahrzeug- und Industriemotoren-Bau GmbH". Daimler-Benz AG is represented in 166 countries by 159 general distributors and 28 agents. 23% of all passenger cars are delivered with an automatic transmission. The "Deutsche Automobilgesellschaft" research and development company is founded jointly in Hanover by Daimler-Benz AG and Volkswagen.


January 1: The working week as fixed by collective agreement for workers in the metal-processing industries is cut to 40 hours.

January: Production begins of the new generation of vans designed to succeed the 319 series, in production since 1955. The new series includes the L 406, L 408 and O 309.

March 9 - 19: The 2.5 liter fuel injection 250 SL, produced since December 1966, is presented at the Geneva Motor Show as the successor to the 230 SL. A variant is also available fitted with an enlarged luggage compartment and rear seat bench rather than the roadster soft-top and soft-top compartment.

April: Daimler-Benz takes up the leasing business for the entire vehicle range through its wholly-owned subsidiary "Porcher & Meffert GmbH".

May 9: The new test site for cars and commercial vehicles in Untertürkheim is unveiled. The test track, which includes a high-speed test section featuring a 90° horizontally sloping high-bank curve, has a total length of 15,460 m. Although in theory, this curve can be taken at 200 km/h, in practice 150 km/h is the limit, as the human body cannot withstand driving around curves at higher speeds. Other test areas featured at the site are the skid pan, torture track and artificial inclines of up to 70% gradient.

September 14 - 24: Daimler-Benz AG unveils the new O 305 standard regular service bus to the public at the Frankfurt Motor Show. It was designed taking into account suggestions made by the association of German public transport firms which comprises 170 member companies. These suggestions were only publicized a matter of weeks before the model was presented. The market share of Daimler-Benz AG in the West German bus sector stands at 55%.


January 9 - 10: The "New Generation of Mercedes-Benz" is unveiled at Hockenheim. Alongside the new 2.8 liter 280 S, 280 SE (W 108), 280 SE coupe and cabriolet (W 111) and 280 SL (W 113), a newly-developed mid-range series makes its debut, comprising the 200 D, 220 D, 200, 220 (W 115) and the 230 and 250 (W 114).

February 28: The truck sales organization of "Fried. Krupp GmbH" and its workforce is taken over by Daimler-Benz AG.

March 14 - 24: The 300 SEL 6.3 (W 109) is launched at the Geneva Motor Show, powered by a 6.3 liter V8 engine which guarantees a level of performance normally expected from a sports car.

May 9: The two-millionth Mercedes-Benz car produced since the Second World War, a 220/8, rolls off the assembly line at Sindelfingen and is offered as a prize on the television lottery show "Ein Platz an der Sonne für jung und alt" [A place in the sun for young and old].

August: The one-millionth diesel vehicle engine produced since the end of the war (OM 636, OM 621, OM 615 series) is handed over at the original plant in Untertürkheim.

November 19: The new 250 C and 250 CE (W 114) coupes launched at Hockenheim expand the car model range by a second coupe line. For the first time, a coupe version is also introduced into the mid-range series. November: Daimler-Benz acquires around 90% of the share capital of "Ernst Heinkel AG", Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen.

December: Production begins at the Mannheim plant of the first Mercedes-Benz O 305 standard regular service bus. December 24: Daimler-Benz, in partnership with Rheinische Stahlwerke AG, founds "Hanomag-Henschel Fahrzeugwerke GmbH (HHF)" in Hanover.


January 1: The French Sales Organization undergoes further expansion through the acquisition of a majority shareholding in "SOFIDEL S.A.".

January 9: The 500,000th commercial vehicle diesel engine is produced at the Mannheim plant.

January: Mercedes-Benz Argentina delivers the 25,000th Argentinean-built truck.

February: The Spanish company CISPALSA (Compania Hispano Alemana de Productos Mercedes-Benz, S.A.), in which Daimler-Benz AG has a 50.5% holding, is founded through an amalgamation of ENMASA in Barcelona and the Daimler-Benz general distributor IDASA based in Madrid.

April 1: Hanomag-Henschel Fahrzeugwerke GmbH, in which Daimler-Benz has a 51% stake, takes out a lease from Rheinstahl Hanomag AG and Rheinstahl Henschel AG on the plants in Bremen, Hamburg-Harburg and Kassel-Mittelfeld, which have a combined workforce of 10,000.

May 18: Erich Waxenberger takes the checkered flag in the Macao 6-hour race in a Mercedes-Benz 300 SEL 6.3.

July: Daimler-Benz AG and Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG (MAN) merge their high-performance diesel engine and turbocharged aircraft engine sectors and set up the MTU Group. "Maybach Mercedes-Benz Motorenbau GmbH" becomes "MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union Friedrichshafen GmbH" and "MAN-Turbo GmbH" becomes "MTU Motoren-und Turbinen-Union München GmbH". The MTU Munich shares are split equally between Daimler-Benz and MAN. MTU Munich has an 84% stake in MTU Friedrichshafen, whilst 16% of the company remains in private hands.

August 6: The 250,000th Mercedes-Benz petrol injection car rolls off the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant. In this month 15 years previously, production began of the 300 SL, the first production car to be powered by a petrol injection four-stroke engine.

September 11 - 21: The C 111 test car with three-rotor Wankel engine and the 3.5 liter V8 engined 300 SEL 3.5, 280 SE 3.5 coupe and 280 SE 3.5 cabriolet are launched at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt. The electrically powered OE 302 test bus also makes its debut. Daimler-Benz launches the LP 1632 commercial vehicle featuring a hydraulic tilt cab.


January 1: Organizational restructuring at the SOFIDEL Group results in its sales company being renamed "Mercedes-Benz France S.A.".

January: The 10,000th O 302 bus is delivered, five years after production began.

March 12 - 22: The C 111 with redesigned bodywork and four-rotor Wankel engine, 350 hp and a top speed of 300 km/h is presented at the Geneva Motor Show. The "test laboratory on wheels" boasts an acceleration of 0-100 km/h in 4.8 seconds.

August 10: Hermann J. Abs resigns as Chairman of the Supervisory Board and is replaced by Franz Heinrich Ulrich.

August 14: The three-millionth passenger car engine produced since the war leaves the assembly line at Untertürkheim.

September: Opening of the sport and training center in Untertürkheim.

October: Assembly of diesel engines for commercial vehicles begins at "Iranian-Diesel-Manufacturing-Company" (IDEM). The company, based in Tabriz, Iran, was founded on May 31, 1969 with the involvement of Daimler-Benz.

December 12: Presentation to the press of the first generation of the ABS anti-lock braking system for passenger cars, developed in partnership with Teldix.

December: Daimler-Benz acquires the remaining 49% of the share capital of Hanomag-Henschel Fahrzeugwerke GmbH, Hanover, from Rheinstahl AG. The Mannheim plant increases its production capacity to 240 complete busses and a similar number of bus chassis per month. Capacity at the Wörth plant expands to a level of 70,000 trucks a year. This represents around a two-fold increase in commercial vehicle production at Daimler-Benz AG since 1968.


21. Januar: Fra fabrikken i Dusseldorf presenterer Daimler-Benz den lette varebilen L 206 D og L 306 D, den er basert på Hanomag-Henschel modell 20-35 F, med noen mindre forskjeller.

April 14: Presentation of the new 350 SL sports car (107 series), fitted with numerous safety innovations.

April 20: Four and a half years after production began, the 1000,000th 309/310 series van leaves the assembly line at the Düsseldorf plant.

July 29: Dr. Joachim Zahn is appointed Chairman of the Board of Management. His most important decisions have involved the split from Auto Union, the decision, in 1965, to make the Wörth plant the central truck assembly plant, the concentration of heavy-duty engine production in Friedrichshafen, the cooperation with MAN, which led to the establishment of MTU in 1969, and the assumption of responsibility by the company for the Sales Organizations in the major export countries

August: Fra fabrikken i Gaggenau ruller den 150 000 Unimog av samlebåndet.

September 7: The one-millionth diesel passenger car built since production began in 1949 leaves the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant.

27. September von Vorstandsmitglied Dr. Hanns Martin Schleyer als Spende für das Jugend- und Kinderdorf Wahlwies übergeben.

7. - 17. Oktober: Auf dem Pariser Automobil-Salon debütiert das neue Coupé- Modell 350 SLC (Baureihe 107), dessen Serienfertigung im Februar 1972 anläuft.

October 8: Daimler-Benz acquires a 33.3% holding in the assembly and production company "P. T. German Motor Manufacturing", based in Wanaherang, Indonesia, as well as a 51% stake in the sales company "P. T. Star Motors Indonesia", based in the capital Jakarta.

October 23: A patent is registered on the airbag system (patent no. DE 2152902 C2).

October 26: Daimler-Benz presents the ESF 05 at the "Second International Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles" in Sindelfingen.

November: The 500,000th automatic gearbox is manufactured at the Hedelfingen sub-plant.

17. Dezember: The OG 305 natural gas test-bus powered with a 172 hp, 6-cylinder in-line engine is unveiled to the public. The reorganization of the Untertürkheim site is completed: the engine production plant is located in Untertürkheim, the transmission production plant in Stuttgart-Hedelfingen, the axle production plant and the administration in Esslingen-Mettingen, and major assembly reconditioning in Esslingen-Brühl. The Daimler-Benz Group lies in fifth place in the ranking of German companies, with a turnover of DM 12.1 billion. Cooperation begins with MAN in the truck parts manufacturing sector.



März: Auf einem internationalen Symposium für Elektro-Straßenfahrzeuge in Brüssel präsentiert Daimler-Benz das Versuchsfahrzeug LE 306, den ersten Elektro-Transporter mit Batteriewechseltechnik.

April: In Frankfurt/M. und Hockenheim werden der internationalen Presse die neuen Typen 280, 280 E, 280 C und 280 CE vorgestellt, die die Modellpalette der Baureihe 114 nach oben abrunden. Sie verfügen über einen neu entwickelten 2,8-l-Sechszylindermotor mit zwei obenliegenden Nockenwellen, der in der Vergaserversion (im 280 und 280 C) 160 PS und als Einspritzer 185 PS leistet.

1. Mai: Das Werk Sindelfingen beginnt als erstes Werk der Daimler-Benz AG mit der stufenweisen Einführung der gleitenden Arbeitszeit.

31. Mai: Auf der 3. Internationalen ESV-Konferenz in Washington wird das Experimentier-Sicherheitsfahrzeug ESF 13, eine Weiterentwicklung des ESF 05, vorgestellt. 28. Mai - 4. Juni: Auf der Landwirtschaftsschau der DLG in Hannover debütiertder Allrad-Ackerschlepper MB-trac 65/70, dessen Serienproduktion ein Jahr später im Werk Gaggenau anläuft. 26. Juni: In Spanien fusioniert die CISPALSA mit der in Vitoria ansässigen VW-Tochtergesellschaft IMOSA zur MEVOSA (Compania Hispano Alemana de Productos Mercedes-Benz y Volkswagen, S.A.), an der Daimler-Benz und VW mit jeweils 26,8 % beteiligt sind. 20. Juli: Tod des Ehrenvorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrates Dr. Friedrich Flick. Sieben Tage später wird Hermann J. Abs zu seinem Nachfolger ernannt.

August: Im Werk Mannheim läuft der 20 000. Omnibus des Typs O 302 vom Band.

August: Die "Mercedes-Benz of North America" verlegt ihren Hauptsitz nach Montvale, New Jersey/USA.

25. September: An der Costa Brava in Spanien erlebt die Baureihe 116 ihre Weltpremiere als "S-Klasse". Zur Wahl stehen zunächst die Typen 280 S, 280 SE und 350 SE. 30. November: Der einmillionste Lkw der Daimler-Benz Nachkriegsproduktion (ab 3,5 t Gesamtgewicht) verläßt das Montageband im Werk Wörth.


Februar: In Mannheim beginnt die Serienproduktion des Standard-Überland-Linienbusses O 307, dessen Prototyp im August 1970 auf der Fachmesse "Schiene und Straße" vorgestellt wurde.

27. Februar: Daimler-Benz unterzeichnet ein Abkommen mit dem Staatskomitee für Wissenschaft und Technik der UdSSR über eine technisch-wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit. Anschließend findet in Moskau eine Mercedes-Benz Sonderausstellung statt, die als erste derartige Präsentation eines westlichen Automobilherstellers in der Sowjetunion internationale Beachtung findet (28. Februar bis 9. März).

13. März: Daimler-Benz stellt in Kyoto, Japan, anläßlich der 4. Internationalen ESV-Konferenz das Experimental-Sicherheitsfahrzeug ESF 22 auf Basis der S-Klasse (Baureihe 116) vor.

15. - 25. März: Die auf dem Genfer Automobil-Salon präsentierten Pkw-Typen 450 SE und 450 SEL (Baureihe 116) sowie 450 SL und 450 SLC (Baureihe 107) mit 4,5-l-V 8-Motor ergänzen das Verkaufsprogramm.

Mai: Die österreichische "Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG" und die Daimler-Benz AG vereinbaren eine Kooperation bei Entwicklung, Produktion und Vertrieb geländegängiger Fahrzeuge.

Juni: Im Werk Gaggenau läuft die Serienproduktion des MB-trac 65/70 an.

August: Die am 18. April zusammen mit der italienischen Generalvertretung "Autostar S.p.A." in Rom gegründete "Mercedes-Benz Italia S.p.A." nimmt den Vertrieb von Nutzfahrzeugen auf.

13. - 23. September: Auf der IAA in Frankfurt/M. werden die modellgepflegten Typen der Mittelklasse-Baureihe 114/115 der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. Der neue Typ 230.4 löst den seitherigen 220 ab, und der 240 D ergänzt als dritter Diesel das Verkaufsprogramm. Gleichzeitig debütiert eine "Neue Generation" schwerer Baustellenfahrzeuge mit Frontlenker-Fahrerhaus und einem zulässigen Gesamtgewicht von 16 bis 26 t.

1. Oktober: Nach Abschluß einer Betriebsvereinbarung am 22. Juni beginnt die Daimler-Benz Zentrale in Untertürkheim mit der schrittweisen Einführung des Gleitzeitsystems.

Dezember: Erstmals bietet die Daimler-Benz AG vergünstigte Belegschaftsaktien für ihre Mitarbeiter an. Im Rahmen einer Neuordnung der Nutzfahrzeug-Fertigung und einer Einbeziehung der Hanomag-Henschel Werke in den Produktionsverbund des Gesamtunternehmens wird im Werk Kassel die Montage von Mercedes-Benz Lkw für den Export aufgenommen. Nach Bremen wird die Transporterfertigung aus dem Werk Hamburg verlagert, das seinerseits die Fertigung von Teilen für Pkw und Nutzfahrzeuge übernimmt.


1. Januar: Daimler-Benz gründet die "Mercedes-Benz United Kingdom Ltd." in Brentford, um den Vertrieb in Großbritannien in eigener Regie zu übernehmen, und beteiligt sich über seine schweizerische Tochtergesellschaft "Daimler-Benz Holding AG" an der MERFAG AG in Zürich, die die Vertriebsrechte für Mercedes-Benz Lkw und Busse in der Schweiz besitzt.

April: Nur zehn Monate nach Serienbeginn läuft im Werk Gaggenau der eintausendste MB-trac 65/70 vom Band.

13. - 15. Mai: In Wörth debütiert die "Neue Generation" schwerer Lkw mit einem zulässigen Gesamtgewicht von 16 bis 26 t. Die Modellpalette umfaßt Pritschenwagen, Sattelzugmaschinen und Fahrgestelle.

29. Mai: Im Rahmen einer Pressekonferenz inFrankfurt/M. übergibt Vorstandsmitglied Heinz Schmidt dem Organisationskomitee der Fußballweltmeisterschaft insgesamt 72 Mercedes-Benz Omnibusse. Jede der insgesamt 16 an der Endrunde teilnehmenden Mannschaften erhält einen Luxus-Bus des Typs O 302, der in der jeweiligen Landesfarbe lackiert ist.

4. Juni: Mit dem ESF 24 stellt Daimler-Benz die neueste Version des Experimentier-Sicherheitsfahrzeugs auf der 5. Internationalen ESV-Konferenz in London vor. Das ESV-Programm wird damit nach dreijähriger intensiver Entwicklungsarbeit abgeschlossen.

Juli: In Frankfurt/M. und Hockenheim werden der internationalen Presse drei neue Mercedes-Benz Pkw-Typen vorgestellt. Der 240 D 3.0 (Baureihe 115) mit einem 80 PS starken 3-l-Fünfzylindermotor ist nicht nur der leistungsstärkste Diesel-Pkw, sondern auch der erste Fünfzylinder-Serien-Pkw der Welt. Die gleichzeitig präsentierten Typen 280 SL und 280 SLC fungieren als Einsteigermodelle der Sportwagenklasse (Baureihe 107).

15. - 22. September: Auf der Landwirtschaftsschau der DLG in Frankfurt/M. präsentiert Daimler-Benz zwei neue Hochleistungsschlepper: den Unimog U 120, dessen Produktion im Januar 1976 anläuft, und den Prototyp MB-trac 95/105, der im Juli 1976 als MB-trac 1 100 in Serie geht.

3. - 13. Oktober: Die neue Omnibus-Modellreihe O 303 wird auf dem Pariser Automobil-Salon vorgestellt.

4. - 8. November: Im Rahmen des zweiten NATO/CCMS-Symposiums über die Entwicklung schadstoffarmer Antriebssysteme in Düsseldorf gibt die Daimler-Benz AG einen Überblick über ihre Aktivitäten auf dem Umweltschutzsektor. Erstmals präsentiert wird ein Mercedes-Benz 450 SL mit Methanolantrieb.

28. November: Die Regierung von Kuwait erwirbt das Aktienpaket der Quandt-Gruppe, etwa 14 % des Grundkapitals der Daimler-Benz AG.


Early January: Friedrich Karl Flick informs Franz Heinrich Ulrich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Daimler-Benz and Board Spokesman of Deutsche Bank, of his intention to sell his 39% stake in the share capital of Daimler-Benz (worth some DM 3 billion) to Iran.

January 14: Deutsche Bank acquires 29% of Flick's stake for approx. DM 2 billion Flick retains the remaining 10%.

May 15: The new top-of-the-range S-Class model, the Mercedes-Benz 450 SEL 6.9 (116 series) with a 286 hp V8 engine and hydropneumatic suspension, is unveiled to the public.

July 17: The length of warranty for passenger cars is extended to one year, with unlimited mileage.

July 28: The 500,000th truck built since production began in 1965 leaves the assembly line at the Wörth plant.

September 11 - 21: At the International Motor Show in Frankfurt, the "New Generation" commercial vehicle range is extended and completed. The Mercedes-Benz 2032 S (6x2-4) tractor with two steered front axles and rear planetary drive axle is presented and continues the tradition inspired by the legendary LPS 333 of the 1950s. All heavy-duty commercial vehicles feature an air-sprung rear axle for intermodal transport.

September: The one-millionth automatic gearbox for passenger cars is produced at the Hedelfingen sub-plant.

October 9: The one-millionth commercial vehicle diesel engine is built at the Mannheim plant. The engine, a 400 series (OM 401) V6 delivering 192 hp is presented as a gift to the city of Mannheim for use in a Mercedes-Benz fire engine.

December: Cruise control is made available as an option for all S-Class models with automatic transmission.


7. Januar: Der erste serienmäßig produzierte Unimog U 120 läuft im Werk Gaggenau vom Band und begründet innerhalb der Unimog-Modellpalette eine neue Baureihe der schweren Klasse.

27. January: The new 123 mid-range passenger car series featuring the 200, 200 D, 220 D, 230, 240 D, 250, 280, 280E and 300 D models is unveiled in Bandol, southern France.

February 3: Deutsche Bank forms "Mercedes-Automobil-Holding AG" (MAH), enabling it to place the shares acquired from Flick.

February 3: The five-millionth passenger car produced since 1946 leaves the assembly line at the Untertürkheim plant.

June 12 - 15: The 190 hp, 5-cylinder, diesel powered C 111-II with exhaust-gas turbocharger completes a 64 hour-long drive on the test track at Nardo, Italy, breaking 3 world records and 16 records for its class.

July 3: 90 years after the Benz patent motor car was first driven through the streets of Mannheim, a true-to-the-original replica follows in its tire tracks. It took the apprentices at the Mannheim plant 8,200 hours to assemble the replica.

July 16: Franz Heinrich Ulrich steps down as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Dr. Wilfried Guth, a member of the Board of Management at Deutsche Bank AG is named as his successor.

September 9: After a process of renovation and redesign lasting two years, the Daimler memorial in Bad Cannstatt is reopened. Member of the Board of Management Heinz Schmidt and Mayor Manfred Rommel conduct the official opening ceremony.

October 14: After VW pulls out of MEVOSA Daimler-Benz increases its holding in the Spanish company to 42.7%. 41% of cars sold are fitted with an automatic transmission.


January: Production begins of the new T 1 van series featuring the 207 D, 208, 307 D and 308 models (601 series).

March 11: The Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky lays the foundation stone at the Steyr-Daimler-Puch AG plant in Graz-Thondorf for expansion of the production site. The company has a 50% holding in "Geländefahrzeug Gesellschaft mbH" (GfG), with the remaining stake held by Daimler-Benz AG. This new firm, established in February, takes up production of the co-developed off-road vehicle at the end of 1978.

March 17 - 27: The 123 series 230 C, 280 C and 280 CE coupe variants are presented at the Geneva Motor Show.

June 2: At the Kassel plant, which is to become the central production site for truck axles within the Commercial Vehicle Division of Daimler-Benz AG, the one-millionth commercial vehicle axle is built and presented at a ceremony attended by journalists and VIPs from the world of politics and economics.

June 6: The 300,000th van leaves the assembly line at the Düsseldorf plant. During a ceremony, the vehicle is handed over to Karl-Heinz Thiel, chief co-ordinator of the "Aktion Sorgenkind" children's charity, by Werner Niefer, a member of the Board of Management.

August 1: Daimler-Benz acquires the heavy-duty vehicle manufacturer "Euclid, Inc.", Cleveland, Ohio from the American company "White Motor Corporation".

August 12 - September 28: The Cowan/Malkin/Broad and Fowkes/O'Gorman driver teams, both driving a Mercedes-Benz 280 E, finish first and second in the London-Sydney Rally. The so-called "Toughest Rally in the World" lasts for 61/2 weeks and covers 30,000 km taking in the continents of Europe, Southern Asia and Australia.

September 5: Member of the Board of Management of Daimler-Benz AG and employers' association leader Dr. Hanns Martin Schleyer is abducted by a terrorist group and murdered on October 18.

September 15 - 25: The 123 series station wagons, models 240 TD, 300 TD, 230 T, 250 T and 280 TE, are presented at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt.

September: Daimler-Benz apprentices from the Untertürkheim and Sindelfingen plants take the first two places at the "Kilometer-Marathon" sponsored by hobby and Shell, driving record-breaking cars they manufactured and assembled themselves. The winner from Untertürkheim needed only 10.1 cm³ of fuel to complete the 6.78 km circuit - working out at 674 km per liter.

O ctober 25: A memorial service is held in Stuttgart's Eberhardskirche for Dr. Hanns Martin Schleyer, who was murdered on October 18. German President Walter Scheel and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt are among the mourners. In the Daimler-Benz plants, sirens sound at 10.30 a.m. and the staff gather to observe a minute's silence.

October: The five-millionth car to be built since production restarted in 1946 leaves the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant. The first million were assembled within 16 years, the second in 6 years, the third in 4 years, the fourth in 3 years and the fifth million within 2 years.

October: "National Automotive Industry Company Ltd." (NAI) based in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, begins assembly of Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles. Daimler-Benz has a 26% holding in the company, which was founded on March 3, 1975 with its long-standing sales partner "E. A. Juffali & Bros.".

December 31: Prof. Hans Scherenberg retires after 35 years service in the company, 12 of which were spent as a member of the Board of Management. Werner Breitschwerdt fills the gap as head of development. Mercedes-Benz do Brasil builds a new assembly plant for trucks and busses on an area spanning 1.7 million m² in Campinas, around 100 km from the original plant in Sao Bernardo do Campo.


January 1: After their phased incorporation into the integrated production network, Hanomag-Henschel Fahrzeugwerke GmbH and its production sites in Kassel, Bremen and Hamburg-Harburg are also absorbed into Daimler-Benz AG, under the terms of the German Stock Corporation Law.

April 29/30: In Nardo, Italy, the Mercedes-Benz C 111-III breaks nine speed world records and eleven international records for its class. The record-breaking car is powered by a 230 hp, 5-cylinder diesel engine with exhaust-gas turbocharger and intercooler.

April: Series production begins of the 123 series station wagons at the Bremen plant.

August 17 - September 24: The first five places in the South American Rally "Vuelta a la América del Sud" are occupied by Mercedes-Benz teams: Cowan and Malkin take the victory in a 450 SLC second are Zasada and Zembruski in a 450 SLC third place goes to Fowkes and Kaiser in a 280 E fourth are Makinen and Todt in a 450 SLC Kleint and Klapproth finish fifth in a 280 E.

August: 22 - 25: The second generation of the anti-lock braking system (ABS) developed in partnership with Bosch is unveiled to the press at Untertürkheim. From December, this international ground-breaker will, at first, only be available in the 116 series S-Class sedans.

September: In Ciputat near the Indonesian capital of Jakarta, a new training center is opened with capacity to take on at least 60 apprentices. This project provides training for motor vehicle fitters to be employed at the 20 Mercedes-Benz authorized dealers in Indonesia.

September: The two-millionth Mercedes-Benz diesel powered car produced since the war rolls off the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant.


February 10: The 460 series cross-country vehicle is unveiled. The off-roader was jointly developed with Steyr-Daimler-Puch and is built in Graz, Austria. Four models with two wheelbase and five different body variants are available. Models range from the 240 GD, 300 GD and 230 G up to the 280 GE, and output from 72 to 150 hp.

March: The Board of Management decides to transfer van production from Bremen to Düsseldorf. Meanwhile, the decision to produce the 201 series compact models at the Bremen plant is approved by the Supervisory Board.

May 5: Test engineer Dr. Hans Liebold drives a C 111-IV to a speed record of 403.978 km/h on the Nardo circuit in Italy. He also sets new speeds for 10 and 100 km and 10 and 100 miles. The record-breaking car is powered by a 500 hp, 4.8 liter V8 engine based on the 4.5 liter production engine. It is also fitted with twin exhaust-gas turbochargers.

Summer: Service testing on 5 Mercedes-Benz O 305 / O 305 G duo busses is carried out in Esslingen.

July 8: Apprentice teams from Untertürkheim and Sindelfingen take the first three places in the "Kilometer Marathon" at the Hockenheim circuit. The Untertürkheim team also takes the opportunity to improve its fuel consumption record, set in 1977, to 970 km per liter.

July: The one-millionth 123 series passenger car is produced at Sindelfingen.

September 13 - 23: The new 280 S, 280 SE, 280 SEL, 380 SE, 380 SEL, 500 SE and 500 SEL (126 series) S-Class models and the 300 TD Turbodiesel (123 series) are presented at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt. Production of the S-Class at the Sindelfingen plant heralds the partial automation of the assembly processes. One of the appliances put into service is the "rotating overhead conveyer" which swivels the vehicles onto their side and in so doing removes the need for "over-head working".

December 9 - 14: The Mikkola/Hertz, Waldegaard/Thorszelius, Cowan/Kaiser and Preston jr./Doughty driver pairings take the first four places in the Bandama Ivory Coast Rally, each driving a 450 SLC 5.0. December 31: Prof. Joachim Zahn retires after 21 years at the company, of which 14 were spent as Chairman of the Board of Management.


January 1: Dr. Gerhard Prinz takes over as Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler-Benz AG.

January 1: Daimler-Benz consolidates its involvement in major European export markets. It increases its holding in the Swiss firm MERFAG AG to 51%. The company is renamed "Mercedes-Benz (Schweiz) AG" and takes over as general distributor for passenger cars. Daimler-Benz has a 50% holding in "Daimler-Benz Österreich Vertriebsgesellschaft GmbH", which was established on October 22, 1979 in Salzburg, and which serves as the general distributor for passenger cars and commercial vehicles in Austria. "Mercedes-Benz Belgium S.A./N.V." in Brussels and "Mercedes Benz Nederland B.V." in Utrecht are created after the previous general distributors, IMA and MATINAUTO in Belgium and AGAM and MEHACO in the Netherlands, are taken over.

March 6 - 16: The new 107 series 380 SL/SLC and 500 SL/SLC featuring 8-cylinder, all-alloy engines are presented in Geneva.

March: A training center for 260 young people is set up at the "Im Holter Feld" area of the Bremen site. At the opening ceremony, Member of the Board of Management Dr. Werner Osswald announces that the capacity of the training center is to be increased to 400 places over the course of the next few years.

July 2: Prof. Joachim Zahn is appointed to the Supervisory Board of Daimler-Benz AG.

July: The "Anambra Motor Manufacturing Co., Ltd." (ANAMMCO) plant in Enugu, Nigeria is officially opened. Daimler-Benz has a 40% holding in ANAMMCO, which was established on January 17, 1977 and which carries out assembly of mid-range Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles at the new plant.

August 4: The ABS anti-lock braking system is made available for the entire passenger car model range.

September: "Mercedes-Benz of North America" opens a new plant in Hampton/Newport News, USA, where up to 6,000 mid-range trucks are to be assembled annually from CKD parts kits. The parts kits are supplied by "Mercedes-Benz do Brasil".

October 30: Approval is granted for construction of the new Daimler-Benz "Haus Lämmerbuckel" training center. The new center became necessary as a result of a 50% increase in training and further education requirements between 1975 and 1980.

November 4: Daimler-Benz AG increases its holding in the Spanish firm MEVOSA to 52.77%. On April 2, 1981 the company is renamed "Mercedes-Benz España, S.A.". As a result of production restructuring, manufacture of assemblies is concentrated in Barcelona, whilst assembly of commercial vehicles takes place in Vitoria.

November 7: The 100,000th Mercedes-Benz bus produced since the war leaves the Mannheim plant.

December 9 - 14: In the Bandama Rally, now officially known as the "Rallye Côte d'Ivoire", the Waldegaard/Thorszelius and Recalde/Straimel driver pairings fend off fierce competition to take first and second place in a Mercedes-Benz 500 SLC. This success signals the end of the company's participation in rally competition.


January 26 - February 1: The anti-lock braking system for commercial vehicles developed jointly with WABCO is unveiled to the international press in Rovaniemi (Finland).

2. März: In Untertürkheim wird ein Versuchsomnibus vom Typ O 305 mit Methanolantrieb vorgestellt. Drei Tage später startet im Rahmen des vom Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie unterstützten Projekts "Alternative Antriebe" ein Großversuch in Berlin mit 30 methanol-betriebenen Pkw des Typs 280 SE.

March 5 - 15: At the International Motor Show in Geneva, Daimler-Benz becomes the first automobile manufacturer to present the SRS airbag and seat belt tensioners as important elements of passive safety.

March: The new customer delivery center in Sindelfingen opens its doors. March: As part of a project supported by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and entitled "Alternative Propulsion Systems" two O 305 busses are put into regular service in Berlin to test methanol driven engines. At the same time a fleet test gets underway involving 30 methanol powered 280 SE passenger cars.

1. - 8. April: Auf der Hannover-Messe wird ein spurgeführter Großraumwagen als Ergänzung des "O-Bahn"-Konzepts vorgestellt. Der 24 m lange, vierachsige Doppelgelenkbus O 305 G 2 bietet 238 Personen Platz und wird von zwei Elektromotoren mit jeweils 250 kW angetrieben.

May 5: Daimler-Benz AG signs a contract to agree the takeover of the heavy-duty truck producer "Freightliner" and the light alloy, castings and foamed material parts manufacturer "Consolidated Metco" from "Consolidated Freightways Inc.", San Francisco.

Mai: Als 100 000. Fahrzeug der SL-Baureihe 107 läuft in Sindelfingen ein 380 SL vom Band.

June 10: After 18 years of production of the W 100 series, the Daimler-Benz Museum acquires the last Mercedes-Benz 600 ever built.

July 20: In a world first, the SRS airbag and seat belt tensioners developed by Daimler-Benz are made available for the 126 series S-Class sedan.

September 17 - 27: The "Auto 2000" research car, shown for the first time at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt, provides Daimler-Benz with a test vehicle for developing innovations in car construction. The 380 SEC and 500 SEC (126 series) S-Class coupe models are also presented, together with the "Mercedes-Benz Energy Concept" project, aimed at reducing fuel consumption and environmental pollution.

October 1: Steyr-Daimler-Puch takes over the 50% stake in "Geländefahrzeug Gesellschaft mbH" held by Daimler-Benz and now assembles the off-road vehicle at the Steyr plant in Graz by commission order. On November 12 Daimler-Benz AG establishes "UBG Beratungsgesellschaft mbH", to represent its interests in Graz.

October 28: The 500,000th van of the 309/310 series first introduced in 1967 rolls off the assembly line in Düsseldorf.

December: Restoration work is completed on the house in Schorndorf where Gottlieb Daimler was born. The one-millionth truck, a 1633 with a permissible GVW of 16 tons and an output of 243 kW (330 hp), is assembled at the Wörth plant.

8. November: Im Werk Berlin-Marienfelde erfolgt die Grundsteinlegung des neuen Forschungszentrums für die 1977 gegründete Daimler-Benz Forschungsgruppe Berlin. 25 Mio. DM investiert Daimler-Benz in den Bau eines Fahrsimulators, um das Verhalten von Fahrer und Fahrzeug im Straßenverkehr künftig noch intensiver erforschen zu können.

Dezember: Die Restaurierung des Geburtshauses von Gottlieb Daimler in Schorndorf, das die Daimler-Benz AG im Juli 1979 erworben hat, ist abgeschlossen.


January 1: "Mercedes-Benz Hellas S.A.", established in November 1981 with headquarters in Athens, takes over general distributor business activities in Greece.

January 4: Airbags and seat belt tensioners are available as an option for all models in the car range.

April: After only six years in production, the one-millionth 123 series diesel powered car leaves the assembly line.

April 26: The new training center founded by the wholly-owned Daimler-Benz subsidiary "ANAMCO" is opened in Enugu, Nigeria. This is followed, on June 3, by the opening of the major training center founded by "Mercedes-Benz do Brasil S.A." in Sao Paulo.

May: The O-Bahn is unveiled to the public in Rastatt. The O-Bahn combines the respective advantages of a train and a bus into one flexible system.

July 1: "Mercedes-Benz Italia S.p.A." takes over as general distributor for passenger cars from "Autostar S.p.A.".

September 9: The Indonesian company "P. T. German Motor Manufacturing" begins operations at a new assembly plant for passenger cars and commercial vehicles in Wanaherang, near Jakarta.

September 19: The two-millionth 123 series vehicle built in Sindelfingen leaves the assembly line at the plant.

September: Refined versions of the 123 series sedan, coupe and station wagon variants come on to the market, with improved levels of standard equipment.

October: On the fifth anniversary of the death of Hanns Martin Schleyer, Daimler-Benz founds the "Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Preis", an award to be presented annually in recognition of outstanding work in support of basic agreements between employers and employees which are necessary to achieve an economy and a society geared towards personal freedom and social harmony.

November 3: A new customer service center and workshop is opened in Peking to support the 4,500 Mercedes-Benz vehicles currently in service in the Peoples' Republic of China. Daimler-Benz thus becomes the first European automobile manufacturer to have set up a service workshop, in cooperation with the Chinese state import company Machimpex.

November 29: For the first time since post-war production began, Daimler-Benz AG presents a compact model in the shape of the 190 and 190 E, expanding the passenger car range by a third series to add to the mid-series and S-Class. The 190 and 190 E set new standards in handling. A new shock absorber strut independent front suspension and new patented Mercedes multi-link independent rear suspension ensure an equally high standard of ride comfort and handling precision. The market launch of the Mercedes-Benz compact model takes place on December 8. December 17: "NAW Nutzfahrzeuggesellschaft Arbon & Wetzikon AG", in which Daimler-Benz has a 40% holding, is founded in Arbon, Switzerland. The other partners in the company are "AG Adolph Saurer" with a 45 % share and "Oerlikon Bührle Holding AG" with 15 %.


January 20: A Mercedes-Benz 280 GE cross-country vehicle finishes first in the general classification in the Paris-Dakar Rally. A Mercedes-Benz 1936 AK all-wheel drive dump truck finishes top of the truck class general classification.

March 10: The new training center at the Daimler-Benz plant at Hamburg-Harburg is officially opened.

April 1: "NAW Nutzfahrzeuggesellschaft Arbon & Wetzikon AG" begins business. In Arbon special vehicles are built which are based on Mercedes-Benz heavy-duty trucks, whilst the Wetzikon plant produces bus chassis using Daimler-Benz sub-assemblies.

June 4: The oldest Daimler-Benz AG sales and service outlet in Berlin celebrates its 75th anniversary.

August 13 - 21: A record is broken in Nardo, Italy. A Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.3-16 covers a distance of 50,000 kilometers in only 201 hours, 39 Minutes and 43 seconds, a new world-best time. In addition to this performance, records are broken for 25,000 kilometers and 25,000 miles, as well as nine class records.

August 29: Daimler-Benz consolidates its presence in Berlin with the opening of a new production shop in the Berlin-Marienfelde plant.

September 15 - 25: The 190 D and 190 E 2.3-16 are presented at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt, expanding the range of compact-class models. December 1: Prof. Werner Breitschwerdt succeeds Chairman of the Board of Management Gerhard Prinz who passed away on October 29.


January: Daimler-Benz AG restructures its activities in the North American commercial vehicle market: The stake in Euclid is sold on to the construction machinery firm "Clark Equipment Company", based in Buchanan, Michigan. Commercial vehicle activities are, as a result, concentrated in the Freightliner Group.

January: The sixth Paris-Dakar Rally sees Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicles take a one-two in the truck section of the 20-day, 12,000 km event. The French driver Laleu finishes in first place ahead of his 31 rivals, in a Mercedes-Benz 1936 AK construction site truck.

February 20 - 23: The new "light" Mercedes-Benz LN 2 series (6.5 - 11 t) truck is unveiled in Rome.

March: Daimler-Benz AG acquires a 50.1% holding in the South African company "United Car and Diesel Distributors (Pty.) Ltd." (UCDD), Pretoria - one of the largest South African automobile firms. In April the company is renamed "Mercedes-Benz of South Africa (Pty.) Ltd.".

May 3: Dr. Rudolf Hörnig is appointed to the Board of Management of Daimler-Benz AG and is responsible for research and development as successor to Werner Breitschwerdt.

September 12: The 250,000th Unimog leaves the assembly line at the Gaggenau plant.

September: The new passenger car plant is opened in Holter Feld, Bremen. The 201 series compact model sedan and the 123 series station wagon are to be manufactured here. Under the terms of the restructuring of the production plants in Germany, the Düsseldorf plant becomes the central Daimler-Benz AG van assembly plant.

October 8: A test program supported by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology is set up in Berlin to investigate the operation of hydrogen powered vehicles.

November 26: The totally new generation of mid-series Mercedes-Benz cars, the 124 model series featuring the 200 D - 300 E, is presented in Seville/Spain and is to come onto the market on December 8.

December: Market introduction of the new standard regular service bus Mercedes-Benz O 405. The new "Research and Development" building is opened in Untertürkheim. Some of the 10,000+ people active in this department will be based here.


January 17: After being voted "Truck of the Year" the new LN 2 truck series (models 709 - 1320) receives the coveted trophy at the International Commercial Vehicle Show in Brussels.

February 14: Daimler-Benz acquires the 50% share held by "MAN Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg AG" in "MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union München GmbH". MTU München thus becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of Daimler-Benz AG.

March: The "Haus Lautenbach" training center is reopened after extension and renovation work is completed.

April 1: The working week as fixed by collective agreement is shortened to 38.5 hours.

April 23 / May 15: The Baden Württemberg state authorities help to create the contractual foundations for the acquisition of a majority stake in the Dornier Group. After the Federal Antitrust Office gives its approval on June 7, Daimler-Benz AG acquires 66.5 % of Dornier shares.

May 10: In Berlin, the driving simulator of Daimler-Benz Research is unveiled.

June 21: The supervisory boards of the MTU companies in Munich and Friedrichshafen meet for the first time since new members were appointed. Dr. Werner Niefer, member of the Daimler-Benz Board of Management with responsibility for Production, is named as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board for both MTU Munich and MTU Friedrichshafen. Dr. Hans Dinger, formerly vice-chairman, is appointed chairman of MTU management, succeeding Dr. Ernst Zimmermann who had been murdered in a terrorist attack on February 1.

June 24 - 29: In Switzerland, a solar powered car built by apprentices at Daimler-Benz AG wins the "Tour de Sol" race for solar powered vehicles.

July 3: Prof. Joachim Zahn leaves the Supervisory Board together with Dr. Wilfried Guth, but continues to work closely with Daimler-Benz in an advisory role. Alfred Herrhausen succeeds Dr. Guth as Chairman of the Supervisory Board at Daimler-Benz AG.

July 11: Daimler-Benz acquires a 49% holding in the Mexican firm "Fábrica de Autotransportes Mexicana S.A." (FAMSA), which is involved in the production and sale under license of mid-range commercial vehicles and bus chassis. Fall: Market launch of the Mercedes-Benz O 405 G articulated bus.

September: The new test track is put into service at the Bremen plant. This new test route, located on the north side of the plant, features two straights consisting of two parallel dual carriageway sections separated by concrete-mounted crash barriers. They are connected by two curves making the total length of the track 1.5 km. It has been designed both for everyday testing of production vehicles and for introducing new models. Some 10% of vehicles produced are to be driven on the new track.

September 12 - 22: An expanded and improved passenger car range is presented at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt. In addition to the refined S-Class models and the SL series which are offered with a new engine range, the 124 series station wagon and the 190 E 2.3 and 190 E 2.6 compact models also make their debut. Furthermore, the new ASD (automatic locking differential) and ASR (acceleration skid control) dynamic handling control systems and the automatically engaging four-wheel drive system, 4MATIC, are presented. Frankfurt is also the scene for the world premiere of the 1635 and 1644 heavy-duty trucks. They are fitted as standard with the new electronic power shift (EPS), which makes an important contribution to active safety.

October: Subject to approval by the German Antitrust Office, Daimler-Benz will acquire the majority shareholding in AEG in two stages.

October 18/19: The Bad Homburg plant celebrates its 25th anniversary.

November 15: The 500,000th Mercedes-Benz 201 series compact model leaves the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant.

November: The "Benz House" in Ladenburg, which has been fully restored - largely in the original style - is opened to the public to mark the "100 Years of the Automobile". The aim of the project was not only to help preserve the tradition of the company, but also to make sites of historical interest accessible to the public.

December 19: Production is completed of the ten-millionth engine built since 1946 at the Untertürkheim plant.


January 13: The Daimler-Benz Museum is reopened in time for the "100 Years of the Automobile" anniversary, after conversion work lasting 12 months is completed.

January 29: 100 years previously, a patent was taken out on a motor car built by Karl Benz. Daimler-Benz AG celebrates the "100 Years of the Automobile" with a number of events spread over the whole year. Another anniversary will be celebrated in 1986: 50 years earlier, in 1936, Daimler-Benz brought out the world's first diesel powered passenger car, the 260 D.

January: Daimler-Benz founds "Mercedes-Benz Japan Co., Ltd." as a wholly-owned subsidiary. The new company takes over as general distributor for all Mercedes-Benz vehicles in Japan.

February 3 - 8: In Rovaniemi, Finland, Daimler-Benz presents important elements of vehicle safety through a series of road tests: The ASR (acceleration skid control) dynamic handling system for passenger cars and commercial vehicles, the automatic locking differential (ASD) and the automatically engaging four-wheel drive system (4MATIC), available for passenger cars.

March 2: The first 6 km of the suburban regular service O-Bahn network in Adelaide, Australia are completed. The O-Bahn busses glide, without steering, along the specially built guideway using their lateral guide wheels at a speed of up to 100 km/h. Daimler-Benz not only supplies the 92 busses, of which 51 are articulated busses, but also has a significant say in the construction of the track-guided sections of the line.

March 17: The new T2 (507 D - 811 D) series Mercedes-Benz large van is unveiled in Rome.

Spring: At the Bremen plant, a future-oriented assembly system featuring an automatic materials handling system (FTS) is put into service. In the case of jobs requiring intensive assembly work, the vehicle involved is taken off the assembly line and transferred automatically to an assembly bay. After they are assembled here, the vehicles are returned to the old sequence on the assembly line via a sorting buffer. This system allows employees to work autonomously in groups which retain responsibility for quality and organization of labor whilst at the same time being responsible for delivering the vehicle on time to the control system.

May 23: The new state-of-the-art development test bench for aircraft engines comes into service at MTU München. Even large aircraft engines with up to 300kN thrust can be tested at up to 3,000 measuring points.

June 29: Richard Branson breaks the record set in 1952 by the luxury liner "United States" for the fastest sea crossing of the Atlantic and is awarded the "blue ribbon" as a result. His "Virgin Atlantic Challenger" speed boat is powered by twin 12-cylinder MTU 396 series engines each with an output of 1960 hp, and completes the 5,500 km journey from New York to Bishops Rock lighthouse in three days, eight hours and 31 minutes.

September 1: Daimler-Benz offers all petrol driven passenger cars with a three-way catalytic converter.

October 11: The new OTOMARSAN Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle assembly plant is opened in Nidge/Aksaray, Turkey.

November: The "TOPAS" (tank vehicle fitted with optimized passive and active safety features) is demonstrated at the Contidrom in Jeversen in the Luneburg Heath. The "rolling safety package" for tanker tractors is developed jointly by Haller, Raab Karcher and Daimler-Benz at a cost of DM 1.5 million and supported by the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology.

November: The documentary report "Daimler-Benz AG from 1933 - 1945" is published, representing an important step in the process of confronting the history of Daimler-Benz during National Socialism.


March 5 - 15: The two 124 series coupe models 230 CE and 300 CE are unveiled to the public at the Geneva Motor Show.

April 3: The 200,000th R 107 series SL sports car leaves the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant.

May 15: Production of the 124 series reaches the 500,000 unit mark.

September 1: Edzard Reuter succeeds Werner Breitschwerdt as Chairman of the Board of Management.

September 10-20: The 201 series 190 D 2.5 turbo and 124 series 300 D Turbo are unveiled at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt. The new MB 100 D van designed for payloads of 1 t and produced at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Vitoria, Spain also celebrates its premiere. An additional innovation is the anti-lock braking system for vans with hydraulic brakes. Based on the ABS system already fitted in Mercedes-Benz passenger cars, the control response of the new system is matched to the mass and weight of the van.

Fall: At the Bremen plant, a new large transfer press is put into service and achieves internationally unsurpassed levels of performance. The sheet metal is automatically loaded by the 11 m high, 47 m long and 1,400 ton machine and processed in separate steps on the transfer line. The finished parts are then stacked in transportation frames. Up to 10,000 201 series doors can be produced daily in this way.


January 12: Daimler-Benz AG takes the decision to reenter the world of motor racing. This heralds the third coming of the "Silver Arrows".

January 19: Daimler-Benz acquires a 4% holding in the French aerospace group MATRA.

February: The passenger airbag is offered as an option, at first only for sedan and coupe models of the S-Class, and will be available for the 124 mid-series from September.

February 17: The ten-millionth Mercedes-Benz passenger car produced since the war leaves the assembly line at the Sindelfingen plant.

February 25: The five-millionth passenger car diesel engine built since the war leaves the assembly line at the Untertürkheim plant.

March 29: The one-millionth 201 series compact model passenger car, a 190, is produced at the Bremen plant and presented as a gift to a representative of the "Jugendwerkstätten der Stadt Bremen" [Youth workshops of Bremen] organization by Member of the Board of Management Prof. Werner Niefer.

April 1: The monthly wage concept is introduced in all Daimler-Benz AG plants to replace the former system of hourly pay. At the same day, the working week as fixed by collective agreement for workers in the metal-processing industries is shortened by one hour to 37.5 hours.

April 20: The 1,000,000th visitor to the Daimler-Benz Museum since its reopening in 1986 is welcomed by Matthias Kleinert, the head of Public Relations. Sibel Budak, a 15 year-old schoolgirl from Istanbul, receives a certificate and an invitation to a weekend at Lake Geneva in the fall where she will attend a vintage car rally.

April 20: Edzard Reuter officially opens the second phase of building of the "Haus Lämmerbuckel" Daimler-Benz AG training center. A colloquium takes place as part of this event involving 140 participants from the worlds of science and technology, government and politics, and from companies, associations, trade unions and the media. The aim of this colloquium is to define current technological, social and ethical positions and perspectives regarding a wide range of issues.

May: The new generation of Freightliner trucks rolls off the assembly lines in Portland and Mt. Holly and is presented at the "International Trucker Show" in Anaheim, California/USA. One variant of the "New Generation" is known as the "Thunder & Lightning edition", which is available in conventional and COE form.

June 13: Daimler-Benz AG decides to grant a total of DM 20 million in payments to a selection of organizations as compensation for slave labor endured at Daimler-Benz during the Third Reich. J

une: At the football European Championships held in Germany, Daimler-Benz AG provides all eight countries involved in the quarter finals with luxury team busses for the journeys to the stadiums. The O 303 models involved are fitted with mobile telephone, air conditioning, video unit and conference areas.

July 4: In Singen, not far from Lake Constance, Daimler-Benz unveils the modified heavy-duty truck with a permissible GVW of 17 t and over.

August 4 - 7: The "Bertha Benz Memorial Drive" is held to mark the centennial of Bertha Benz's first long distance journey in 1988. 170 vintage cars complete a re-run of the historic trip.

August 22 - September 2: The stylistically revised compact-class models are unveiled to the press. The 190 E 2.5-16 becomes the new top-of-the-range model for the 201 series, replacing the 190 E 2.3-16.

September 29 - October 9: The 200 E, 250 D Turbo, 200 TE (124 series) and 560 SE (126 series) make their debuts at the Paris Motor Show.

December 19: Prof. Werner Niefer presents the one-millionth 124 series model, a 200 E, to Ursula Späth, wife of the minister-president of Baden Württemberg and patroness of AMSEL, a charitable organization for people suffering form multiple sclerosis.

October 29 - November 6: Daimler-Benz is the first automobile manufacturer worldwide to take up the theme of "100 years of women at the wheel". An informative exhibition takes place at the AMA motor show in Stuttgart, which takes a look at the areas of "Women and motor racing", "Women and driving behavior" and "Women in car-oriented jobs", as well as featuring other categories, such as "Fashion" and "Strange but true".


January 10: In memory of the slave laborers of the Third Reich, a sculpture entitled "Tag und Nacht" [Day and Night] by Bernhard Heiliger is unveiled in the Untertürkheim plant.

March 9 - 19: The new R 129 roadster series, featuring the 300 SL, 300 SL-24 and 500 SL models, celebrates its world premiere at the Geneva Motor Show. The 190 E 2.5-16 Evolution, the production car version of the Group A racing car, is also shown for the first time, and will be available as a 500-unit limited edition from the end of March.

April 1: A further reduction in the working week comes into force, this time to 37 hours.

May 19: "Deutsche Aerospace AG" (Dasa) is established as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Daimler-Benz Group as a result of the merger of "Dornier GmbH", "MTU Motoren- und Turbinen-Union" München/Friedrichshafen and of two units of "AEG AG". The President and CEO of the new company is Jürgen E. Schrempp.

June 1: "Mercedes-Benz Portugal - Comercio de Automoveis, S.A." is established and takes over control of sales activities in Portugal.

June 12: 37 years after the first and, at the time only, victory for Daimler-Benz at Le Mans, the new generation of Silver Arrows, the Sauber-Mercedes C 9, take the top two places in the legendary 24-hour race.

June 29: Under the new structure of the Daimler-Benz Group, "Mercedes-Benz AG" is established. Prof. Werner Niefer becomes the President and CEO. Under the umbrella of Daimler-Benz AG as the holding company, "Mercedes-Benz AG", "AEG AG" and "Deutsche Aerospace AG" function as independent corporate units.

July 1: "Telefunken Systemtechnik GmbH" is formed out of the previous AEG business units "High Frequency Systems" (Ulm) and "Marine and Special Systems" (Hamburg) and becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of Deutsche Aerospace AG.

August 4: The last model ever built of the R 107 SL series, one of the most successful Mercedes-Benz sports cars ever, leaves the assembly line after 18 years in production.

September 14 - 24: The refined 124 series models are presented at the International Motor Show in Frankfurt, stylistically revised and with an improved level of standard equipment. The 300 E-24, 300 CE-24 and 300 TE-24 with the 220 hp M 104 four-valve engine are the top-of-the-range models. At the same time, the 250 D long and 260 E long versions are presented as additional variants in the mid-series. In addition, Frankfurt hosts the premiere of the new 463 series fully revised cross-country vehicle. The new Mercedes-Benz O 405 N and O 405 GN low-floor busses are also unveiled at the motor show.

September 27: The 500,000th V8 alloy engine leaves the assembly line at the Untertürkheim plant.

Fall: The private driver Thomas Hegmann, who is supported by Mercedes-Benz, becomes European Champion in Truck Racing class C driving a Mercedes-Benz 1450 S.

October 29: The Sauber-Mercedes C 9 racing cars win both the Drivers' and Constructors' Championships for sports cars ahead of Jaguar, Nissan, Porsche and Toyota.

November 4: The Mercedes-Benz O 408 country bus is unveiled.

November 17: The shareholders' assembly and supervisory board of "Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm AG" (MBB) approve the motion that Daimler-Benz should acquire a majority stake in the company. This means that MBB becomes a subsidiary of "Deutsche Aerospace AG".

December 4: Mercedes-Benz AG and the Spanish truck manufacturer "ENASA" agree on cooperation.

December 8: "Deutsche Airbus GmbH" is formed with its headquarters located in Hamburg. This new company includes MBB's Cargo and Commercial Aircraft Unit and the former "Deutsche Airbus GmbH" (Munich).

December: Celebrations to mark "50 years of passive safety development" unfold in Sindelfingen.


January 1: "Mercedes-Benz Asia" begins business. It is responsible for the markets of South East Asia with the exception of Australia, Indonesia and Japan.

January 11: The Mercedes-Benz SK heavy-duty truck series is voted "Truck of the Year 1990".

March 8 - 18: The Mercedes-Benz 190 E 2.5-16 Evolution II (201 series) which, like its predecessor, is a 500-unit limited edition model, has its world premiere at the Geneva Motor Show.

March: In the 201 series, the new 190 E 1.8 with 1.8 liter fuel injection engine, launched as a particularly reasonably-priced entry-level model, and aimed at young drivers in particular, replaces the 190 carburetor version. This also marks the discontinuation of the 124 mid-series 200 and 200 T carburetor models, with the effect that, as of April, the passenger car product range will only feature models with fuel-injection engines.

May 14: The one-millionth van built since production began in 1962 rolls off the assembly line at the Düsseldorf plant.

May: Mercedes-Benz is the first automobile manufacturer in Germany to offer its customers the "MercedesCard", a special customer credit card, which, in cooperation with the EuroCard organization, is accepted at 7.9 million authorized agents.

June 21: Mercedes-Benz Advanced Design of North America is established in Irvine, California to oversee operations at the first Advanced Design Studio for Mercedes-Benz passenger cars located outside Germany.

July 1: The new Group headquarters is officially opened in Stuttgart-Möhringen.

July 1: "Daimler-Benz Inter Services" (debis) is established as the fourth corporate unit of Daimler-Benz AG. It includes the Systemhaus, Financial Services, Insurance, Trading and Marketing Services Divisions.

July 6: The Sindelfingen plant celebrates its 75th anniversary. In July 1915 Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft acquired a plot of land measuring approx. 38 hectares and began the planning and construction of the plant in the fall of that year.

July 18: With the first cut of the spade, Prof. Werner Niefer lays the foundations for the new Rastatt plant.

September 2: The two Mercedes-Benz drivers Jean Louis Schlesser and Mauro Baldi win the Group C World Drivers' Championship in a Sauber-Mercedes C 11. Mercedes-Benz also take the Group C Constructors' World Championship title.

September 19: The Daimler-Benz share is listed on the Tokyo stock exchange. This is followed on December 6 by its listing on the London stock exchange.

October: Axel Hegmann (driving a 1733 S, class A) and Steve Parrish (in a 1450 LS class C) win the European Truck Racing Championship in the respective classes with a clear points advantage. Mercedes-Benz takes the constructors' title for the A and C classes.

October 4 - 14: The 500 E (124 series) with a 326 hp 5 liter V8 four-valve engine and lowered body makes its debut at the Paris Motor Show. The vehicle is assembled at Porsche in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen.

October 11: Mercedes-Benz AG concludes a cooperation agreement with Treuhandanstalt [the state agency in charge of privatization in what was formerly East Germany] and "Automobilwerk-Ludwigsfelde-GmbH".

November 15: Mercedes-Benz AG and the Soviet bus company "AVTROKON" sign contracts regarding the license production of the O 303 bus in the Soviet Union.

November 21: The Turkish affiliated company OTOMARSAN is renamed "Mercedes-Benz Türk A.S." following the decision taken by Daimler-Benz in 1989 to increase its stake in the company to 50.3%.